jonpither / cider-spy

Multi person REPL & lets developers share information on CIDER nREPL sessions
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THIS PROJECT IS IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT. It's not ready for general use but will be soon.

Build Status

CIDER-SPY has a Multi-Person REPL! Simply install CIDER-SPY to share you REPL with other developers. With CIDER-SPY you can also get visibility on CIDER nREPL sessions and help developers in teams to share information.

Use CIDER-SPY to send code snippets and text exchanges to each other etc, as well as EMACS bookmarks.

See a recent screencast.



You need the CIDER-SPY-NREPL middleware. See installation instructions there.

Basic configuration

It's available on melpa:

M-x package-install cider-spy

You can also install the dependencies on your own, and just dump clj-refactor in your path somewhere:


(require 'cider-spy)

All actions in CIDER-SPY are triggered from the CIDER-SPY summary page. To access the summary page:

M-x cider-spy-summary

It can be useful to setup a global binding for the summary page for frequent access, such as C-c C-s.

Setup paredit to work with cider-spy-multi-repl-mode:

(add-hook 'cider-spy-multi-repl-mode 'enable-paredit-mode)

Configuration for the HUB

If you want the developer interactivity behavours then you need a run a CIDER-SPY-HUB. See the documentation for how to set one up.

Keyboard Shortcuts

These shortcuts are available on the CIDER-SPY summary buffer:

Keyboard shortcut Description
g Refresh the *cider-spy* buffer.
r Reset the tracking data underpinning the *cider-spy* buffer.
n Goto to next section.
p Goto to previous section.
a Set CIDER-SPY-HUB alias.
s Send message to another dev (when cursor is on a dev).
m Start a Multi-REPL with another dev's REPL session (when cursor is on a dev).
w Watch another devs REPL session (when cursor is on a dev).
d Disconnect from the CIDER-SPY-HUB.
RETURN Visit section.
TAB Toggle section visibility.

Keyboard Shortcuts

These shortcuts are available on the CIDER-SPY-MSG buffer:

Keyboard shortcut Description
C-c C-b Choose and send bookmark to developer.


This originally started life as a tool to help users learn about their own REPL behavour, and to function as an uber smart project navigation tool.

Since then it's morphed into being a tool to help developers share information, and to be a Multi-REPL.

Cider Spy Menu


Thanks to Magnars because unknown to him I used a lot of magit patterns and copied the clj-refactor build setup. Thanks also to Bozhidar Batsov and the rest of the CIDER team.


Copyright © 2016 Jon Pither Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 3