All customizable style(font, fontsize. color, icon, result, dropdown decoration...).
Auto scroll to selected item position.
Dropdown is automatically placed. It's based on the position of the result on the screen(top/bottom).
Marquee effect.
Customizable animation.
Error handling.
$ flutter pub add cool_dropdown
cool_dropdown: ^(latest)
Option | Type | Default | Description |
dropdownList | List<CoolDropdownItem |
[] | Dropdown item list. |
defaultItem | CoolDropdownItem |
null | Default item of the dropdown. |
onChange | Function(T) | required | When user selects one of the items, you will get T type value. |
onOpen | Function(bool) | null | When user either open or close the dropdown, you will get bool value. |
resultOptions | ResultOptions | - | |
dropdownOptions | DropdownOptions | - | Check below. |
dropdownItemOptions | DropdownItemOptions | - | Check below. |
dropdownTriangleOptions | DropdownTriangleOptions | - | Check below. |
dropdownController | DropdownController | required | Check below. |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
width | double | 220 | |
height | double | 50 | |
space | double | 10 | Space between (label + icon) and arrow icon. |
padding | EdgeInsets | | |
alignment | Alignment | | Alignment of (label + icon). |
render | ResultRender | ResultRender.all | Set the order of the result elements to render. |
boxDecoration | BoxDecoration | BoxDecoration of the result box. | |
openBoxDecoration | BoxDecoration | BoxDecoration of when result box is open. | |
errorBoxDecoration | BoxDecoration | BoxDecoration of when result box is on error. | |
textStyle | TextStyle | TextStyle of the label in result box. | |
placeholderTextStyle | TextStyle | TextStyle of the placeholder in result box. | |
textOverflow | TextOverFlow | TextOverflow of the label in result box. | |
isMarquee | bool | false | A marquee effect when the label overflows. |
duration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 300) | When dropdown value is changed. |
marqueeDuration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 6000) | Duration of the marquee effect |
backDuration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 800) | Reverse animation duration of the marquee effect |
pauseDuration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 800) | Pause duration after marquee effect. |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
width | double? | result width | Dropdown width. |
height | double | 50 | Dropdown height. |
top | double | 0 | Top position of the dropdown. |
left | double | 0 | Left position of the dropdown. |
color | Color | Colors.white | Dropdown color. |
borderRadius | BorderRadius | BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10)) | BorderRadius of the dropdown. |
shadow | List |
[] | BoxShadow list of the dropdown. |
animationType | DropdownAnimationType | DropdownAnimationType.scale | Animation type of the dropdown. |
align | DropdownAlign | | The alignment of the dropdown. If the dropdown and result box are different sizes, the dropdown will be aligned to the result box. |
align | SelectedItemAlign | | The scroll alignment of the selected item in the dropdown. |
gap | DropdownGap | | The gap between the dropdown and dropdown items. |
padding | EdgeInsets | | |
duration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 300) | Duration of the dropdown scroll animation. |
curve | Curve | Curves.easeInOut | Curve of the dropdown scroll animation. |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
height | double | 50 | Dropdown item height. |
padding | EdgeInsets | EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10) | Padding of the dropdown item. |
alignment | Alignment | Alignment.centerLeft | Vertical alignment of the dropdown item. |
mainAxisAlignment | MainAxisAlignment | MainAxisAlignment.start | Horizontal alignment of the dropdown item(label + icon). |
render | DropdownItemRender | DropdownItemRender.all | Set the order of the dropdown item elements to render. |
boxDecoration | BoxDecoration | BoxDecoration of the result box. | |
selectedBoxDecoration | BoxDecoration | BoxDecoration of when dropdown item is selected. | |
textStyle | TextStyle | TextStyle of the label in dropdown item. | |
selectedTextStyle | TextStyle | Selected TextStyle of the label in dropdown item. | |
textOverflow | TextOverFlow | TextOverflow of the label in dropdown item. | |
isMarquee | bool | false | A marquee effect when the label overflows. |
duration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 300) | When dropdown value is changed. |
marqueeDuration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 6000) | Duration of the marquee effect |
backDuration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 800) | Reverse animation duration of the marquee effect |
pauseDuration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 800) | Pause duration after marquee effect. |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
width | double | 10 | Triangle width of the dropdown. |
height | double | 10 | Triangle height of the dropdown. |
left | double | 0 | Left position of the triangle. |
borderRadius | BorderRadius | 0 | BorderRadius of the triangle. |
align | DropdownTriangleAlign | | Alignment of the triangle on the dropdown. |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
duration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 500) | Dropdown staggered animation duration. |
errorDuration | Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 500) | Result box decoration error animation duration. |
resultArrowInterval | Interval | Interval(0.0, 0.5, curve: Curves.easeOut) | Result arrow animation interval. |
resultBoxInterval | Interval | Interval(0.0, 0.5, curve: Curves.easeOut) | Result box animation interval. |
showDropdownInterval | Interval | Interval(0.5, 1.0, curve: Curves.easeOut) | Show dropdown animation interval. |
showErrorCurve | Curve | Curves.easeIn | Show error animation curve. |
open | method | - | Open the dropdown. |
close | method | - | Close the dropdown. |
error | method | - | Occur an error of the dropdown. |
resetError | method | - | Reset an error of the dropdown. |
resetValue | method | - | Reset the value of the dropdown. |