joolfe / postman-to-openapi

🛸 Convert postman collection to OpenAPI
MIT License
577 stars 99 forks source link



🛸 Convert Postman Collection v2.1/v2.0 to OpenAPI v3.0.

Or in other words, transform this specification and also this to this one

build codecov npm version js-standard-style CodeQL


Using npm:

npm i postman-to-openapi

Using yarn:

yarn add postman-to-openapi

To install as a cli just

npm i postman-to-openapi -g

Quick Usage

As a library

// Require Package
const postmanToOpenApi = require('postman-to-openapi')

// Postman Collection Path
const postmanCollection = './path/to/postman/collection.json'
// Output OpenAPI Path
const outputFile = './api/collection.yml'

// Async/await
try {
    const result = await postmanToOpenApi(postmanCollection, outputFile, { defaultTag: 'General' })
    // Without save the result in a file
    const result2 = await postmanToOpenApi(postmanCollection, null, { defaultTag: 'General' })
    console.log(`OpenAPI specs: ${result}`)
} catch (err) {

// Promise callback style
postmanToOpenApi(postmanCollection, outputFile, { defaultTag: 'General' })
    .then(result => {
        console.log(`OpenAPI specs: ${result}`)
    .catch(err => {

As a cli

p2o ./path/to/PostmantoCollection.json -f ./path/to/result.yml -o ./path/to/options.json

Cli Demo

cli demo gif


All features, usage instructions and help can be found in the Documentation page


This project use for development:

Use the scripts in package.json:

Steps to generate the gif demo:

Husky is configured to avoid push incorrect content to git.


Nodejs Javascript OpenAPI Postman Newman Collection Transform Convert


See the LICENSE file.