joomla-projects / webservices

Webservices working group repository
GNU General Public License v2.0
16 stars 9 forks source link


This is a lab for investigating adding a layer of webservices to Joomla

For more details join #webservices channel at

How to install

WARNING: Do not install on a public server with data you care about. The current version is totally insecure!

NOTE: At the moment, the presence of an empty route for the home page causes PHP "Uninitialized string offset" notices to be thrown by the router. Ignore them for now, they don't affect functionality.

Routes and routing

The webservices application uses the Joomla Framework 2.0 router. There is some documentation on it here:

Routes are stored in the routes.json file. By default, this is in the web root, but it can be moved elsewhere as long as you update the webservices.routes entry in config.json.

Although at present you will need to amend this file manually, the idea is that it should be possible to automatically add routes to the routes.json file as part of the process of installing a new webservice. The admin component should also be extended to allow customisation of routes for a particular installation. This is how routes can be customised and routing conflicts resolved.

The routes.json file contains an array of resources. Each resource has a name, a description (for humans only), an interaction style, a collection of route templates and the HTTP methods associated with them, and an optional collection of regular expressions for parsing named arguments. These entries are described in more detail below.

The routes specified by default and strongly encouraged are the "industry standard" routes for web APIs, but you can specify whatever routes you want.

If you install third-party extensions that have conflicting routes then these can be resolved by editing the routes.json file. The "routes" entry specifies the public routes available to client software. The "name" entry specifies the internal resource associated with the route. That is, it will be used to determine which configuration XML file will be loaded to handle the request.

Example routes and route definitions

Linked resources

A linked resource is one where the resource returned is determined by a link from another resource. For example, the request "/categories/1234" will return the Categories resource with id 1234, whereas the request "/categories/1234/contacts" will return the collection of Contacts resources which belong to the Categories resource with id 1234. In this case, the Contents collection resource returned is a linked resource of the Categories resource.

To create a route for a linked resource, modify the routes.json file using the :resource key to indicate the name of the resource being linked to. It's a good idea to also include a regular expression to limit the possible values this may take. For example, here is a possible entry for the Categories resource which includes Contacts as a linked resource.

    "name": "categories",
    "description": "Categories collection and individual categories",
    "style": "rest",
    "routes": {
        "/categories": ["GET","POST"],
        "/categories/:id/:resource": ["GET"],
        "/categories/:id": ["GET","PUT","PATCH","DELETE"]
    "regex": {
        "id": "\\d+",
        "resource": "contacts"

In the profile XML file, you will need to add a link property to the resource named in the routes.json file. This must include a "linkField" attribute which defines the property in the resource that will be used to filter the linked resource. For example, here is a possible link property in the Categories resource that will link to the Contacts resource using the "catid" field in the Categories resource to filter the linked Categories resource.


Note that the link rel visible in the public data will be that given in the linkRel attribute. The displayName attribute must correspond with the name of the linked resource. @TODO This probably needs to be fixed/changed as it's not intuitive.

How to install [OLD - These instructions don't work at present]

  1. Download release from releases packages and install


  1. Rename to and change settings inside. Run extension_packager.xml as a PHING file to get latest packages and install them

  2. Enable Webservices plugin and enable webservices option in that same plugin (you can enable SOAP there too)

  3. Go to Components -> Webservices and install one of the existing 3 webservices or create a new one


--- OAuth2 only works while having redCORE installed since we did not put OAuth2 server api yet

--- If using authorization required operations you can provide Basic authentication by providing a header ex (for admin/admin): Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=

--- Setup HAL Browser and Chrome POSTMAN for easier REST and HAL navigation ( )

--- To get main webservices page visit http://yoursite/index.php?api=Hal

Documentation for setup

Detailed documentation of redCORE webservices can be found here It is planned to change major features in there but for now it is still a valid documentation for it.

Documentation for webservices and webservices working group

Documentation for Webservices working group can be found here:


To prepare the system tests (Selenium) to be run in your local machine you are asked to:

To run the tests please execute the following commands (for the moment only working in Linux and MacOS, for more information see:

$ composer install
$ vendor/bin/robo
$ vendor/bin/robo run:tests

What this commands do:

For Windows:

The Tests for Windows are not yet working. The file RoboFile.php needs to be refactored to work in not *nix platforms.