joomla /

Extension for the volunteers portal
GNU General Public License v2.0
21 stars 20 forks source link

This is the repository of the website This websites runs on a default Joomla! installation extended with a custom component called com_volunteers. Your ideas, feature requests, bug reports and code contributions are welcome!

Bugs, ideas & feature requests

Please use the Issue tracker to report bugs, ideas and feature requests.

Contributing code

Code contributions are very welcome! Browse the Issue tracker for issues that need code and/or come up with your own ideas & code. Please open a Pull Request to contribute your own code.

Local Development

You can fork & clone the repository for local development. To get started you need to:

Database changes

Please update the sample database if any code changes are needed for your code contributions and add a .sql file with the changes in the updates folder and use the issue number as filename.

Volunteers Portal Structure

The Volunteers Portal and its custom component com_volunteers is using the following setup.

Note: please read Departments as Leadership until the new organizational structure and methodology of the Joomla!-project is in place.



A Department has a Departmental Coordination Team Leader, Assistant Departmental Coordination Team Leader and Departmental Coordinators. A department has several teams within their department. Within the department Reports can be created. Volunteers are assigned to a department as Member.



A Team has a Team Leader, Assistant Team Leader, Members and Contributors. A team is assigned to one department. A team can also contain one or more subteams. Within the team Reports and Roles can be created. Volunteers are assigned to a team as Member.



A Volunteer (Joomler) is a user with an account on the website. A volunteer has their own profile with fields that can be edited by the volunteer.



A Member is the relation between a Department or Team and a Volunteer. It also contains their Position and (optional) Role within the Department or Team. Each member has a Start Date. Once someone steps down an End Date will be set and the volunteer will move to the Honour Roll. Permissions connected with their Position will become inactive.



A Report is an article reporting about the progress of a Department or Team and written by a Volunteer.



A Position is the relation between a Volunteer and its permissions. Departments and Teams have their own set of positions & permissions:



The Departmental Coordination Team Leader, Assistant Departmental Coordination Team Leader and Departmental Coordinator can:



The Team Leader and Assistant Team Leader can:

The Member can:

The Contributor can:



A Role is used (optionally) for teams. For each role a description can be provided and if the Role is open (Team is looking for Volunteers for the Role).

Test User Accounts

The sample database has several accounts available for testing.


Admin User

Departmental Coordination Team Leader

Frontend Department

Backend Department

Assistant Departmental Coordination Team Leader

Frontend Department

Backend Department

Departmental Coordinator

Frontend Department

Backend Department

Team Leader

Extensions Team

Sample Data Team

Assistant Team Leader

Extensions Team

Sample Data Team


Extensions Team

Sample Data Team


Extensions Team

Sample Data Team