jorainer / ensembldb

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EnsDb for Ovis aries #145

Closed prispi86 closed 1 year ago

prispi86 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have tried to generate an specific EnsDb for sheep (Ovis aries), but I could only generate the package for a specific sheep breed (Texel) with this annotation:

I would need to create it for this annotation:

But I could not find the record.

Could you help me, please?

Thank you so much,


jorainer commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the info! I didn't realize that databases for specific breeds or similar were not generated. I am anyway currently in the process of creating the data for Ensembl 109 and will include them.

Would you need an EnsDb for a specific Ensembl release? I could provide that separately

prispi86 commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much! The most recent available release would be great, as long as it is for Ovis aries rambouillet: Thank you and have a nice day!

jorainer commented 1 year ago

You can get the EnsDb sqlite database from here . just download it and load it with edb <- EnsDb("EnsDb.Oaries.Oar_rambouillet_v1.0.v109.sqlite"). This will also become available through AnnotationHub later.

prispi86 commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for your help!

jorainer commented 1 year ago

I'm closing the issue now - feel free to re-open if needed.