jordanleven / force-refresh

Force Refresh is a simple plugin that allows you to force a page refresh for users currently visiting your site.
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Force Refresh

CI\ Contributors: jordanleven\ Tags: refresh, reload, single page application\ Requires PHP: 7.4\ Requires at least: 5.2\ Tested up to: 6.6\ License: GPLv2 or later

Force Refresh is a simple plugin that allows you to force a page refresh for users currently visiting your site on a per-page or post basis.


Force Refresh is the best plugin for requesting browsers to refresh their page. Perfect for single-page applications or pages that bring in feeds, this simple plugin will allow you to force a page refresh for users currently visiting any page of your site.


Feature Requests and Bug Reports


Upload the Force Refresh plugin to your site, and then simply activate it. To force a refresh, just navigate to "Tools", click on "Force Refresh" and click the button that says, "Refresh Site."


  1. Under Tools, you'll find all settings for Force Refresh.
  2. You can choose from popular refresh intervals or specify a custom one. After clicking, "Refresh site", you'll receive confirmation that you've requested connected browsers to refresh.
  3. To refresh a single page or post, locate the "Force Refresh" section under any page.
  4. Want to see the latest features? Clicking "View Release Notes" will display the most recent features and fixes for Force Refresh.
  5. If you're having trouble, clicking on "Troubleshooting" will allow you to view the current settings for Force Refresh and allow you to enter Debugging Mode — an enhanced browser console logging mode that can be used to diagnose issues.