jorendorff / turtle-wars

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Getting started.

Try it out: load up the web page and click the "Fight!" button.

How to program your turtle

Here is a very simple turtle program.

forever {fd 20, rt 10}

Choose one of the two text boxes on the screen, clobber all the code, paste that one line of code in there, then click "Fight!" to see this program in action.

The meaning of this program is:

This will cause your turtle to go in circles. It may bump into the walls a lot at first. You can't win the game doing that, so let's add one more thing.

forever {fd 20, rt 10, shoot !}

Simply delete your other program, paste this in, and click "Fight!" again.

Functions and nil

What is the ! for? ! means nil.

As in a lot of programming languages, shoot by itself means "the shoot function"; if you want actually to call that function (that is, if you really want to shoot), you must provide an argument.

Function call syntax in the turtle language is just like Haskell or ML: function argument

Some functions are curried; that is, they take several arguments like so: function arg1 arg2 arg3.

Anyway, the shoot function ignores its argument. You can pass whatever value you want (for now), but the proper way is to pass ! which is like saying "just do it already".

Spaces are ignored

Perhaps you would rather write the above program like this:

forever {
    fd 20,
    rt 10,
    shoot !

That's up to you, since spaces and line breaks have no significance in the turtle language, except to separate words.

Everything is a function

The turtle language has no keywords. Even forever is just a function. It takes a single function as its argument, and it calls that function again and again until the game is over or your battery runs down.

Anything wrapped in {} is a function.

For example,

{ shoot!, shoot!, shoot! }

is a function that ignores its argument and shoots three times. You could write the program above like this:

runAndShoot = {fd 20, rt 10, shoot!},
forever runAndShoot

Functions can have arguments.

{x => mul x 2}

is a function that takes a numeric argument and returns that value times 2.

There are no looping constructs built into the language. The function forever is written like this:

forever = {f => f!, forever f}

That is, forever takes an argument f that's a function. First it calls f. Then it calls forever f —that is, it calls itself.

Infinite recursion is useful!

Built-in functions

Your turtle has these capabilities.

In addition, it is excellent at arithmetic.

The main control flow primitive is the function call, but there is also if:

Note that the latter two arguments must be functions! (This is rather like Tcl, and unlike ML and Haskell.)

You've already met forever. There is also something called while and something called rep, but of course you could write those yourself—they are one-liners.


More to come here.

For the time being, here are some useful functions you can write using look.

More examples

This one tries to home in on the enemy. It's a little too complex though; the behavior is hard to predict.

see = { d w =>
  eq? (head (look d w)) 2
forever {
  while { shoot!, see 0 30 } {
    while { see 9 7 } {rt 4},
    while { see 351 7 } {lt 4},
    while { see 2 4 } {rt 1, shoot!, fd 3},
    while { see 358 4 } {lt 1, shoot!, fd 3},
    while { see 0 1 } {shoot!, fd 5}
  while { not (see 0 1) } {

Here is another...

canSee = {eq? (head (look 0 2)) 2},
clearance = {tail (look 0 90)},
forever {
    fd 10,
    rt 2,
    if (lt? (clearance!) 50) {rt 20} {!},
    if (canSee!) {shoot!} {!}

Here is another...

canSee = {eq? (head (look 0 10)) 2},
canShoot = {eq? (head (look 0 1)) 2},
forever {
    if (not (canSee !)) {
        rt 5, shoot!, fd 5
        if {canShoot!} {
            while {canShoot!} {
                shoot!, lt 2
            rt 1, shoot!


The turtle language will evolve. More to come.