joryphillips /

Jory's portfolio/resume website
ISC License
2 stars 0 forks source link

Jory's portfolio and resume (in easily-digestible, abbreviated form)


Note: You will need nodejs to build and use this app as configured.

Clone the repo

git clone

To spin up a dev server with hot module reloading:

npm run dev

To make a new build and start a local server running bundled, minified code:

npm run build

and then

npm run preview

To deploy to Github Pages:

npm run build

Then make a commit and push to main on remote.

The Stack


👻 Haunted -> React-like hooks and syntax for modern web components

🔥 lit-html -> template rendering

☎️ pwa-helpers -> simple routing

How the build works: highlights

Vite is the main tool that puts everything together. It provides a dev server, and handles bundling and code splitting.

Please feel free to fork this repo and repurpose it to your needs!

ISC License