josechagas / ActionSheetView

Project for managing and using any ViewController with an ActionSheet style.
MIT License
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actionsheet actionsheetios actionsheetview ios swift-library swift4


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A Simple way to manage and use any ViewController as actionsheets.

Here are some screenshots showing some examples of what you can do with ActionSheetView:

Example1 Screenshots


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


iOS 10.0+


ActionSheetView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ActionSheetView'

Step 1: Creating my ActionSheetViewController

Choose any ViewController you created and implement the protocol 'ActionSheetView':

class MyActionSheetVC: UIViewController,ActionSheetView

Step 2: Creating my ActionSheetManager

Create a class that inherit from 'ASManagerVC':

class MyASManagerVC: ASManagerVC

IMPORTANT: If your 'MyASManagerVC' overrides the method 'viewWillAppear' you have to call 'super.viewWillAppear'.

Step 3: Defining my Delegate

Choose some class and implement the protocol 'ActionSheetViewDelegate'

class MyDelegate: ActionSheetViewDelegate

Step 3.1: Informing to your 'ASManagerVC'

Get the instance of your 'ActionSheetViewDelegate' and inform to your 'ASManagerVC':

override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.delegate = MyDelegate()

Step 4: Connect everything on storyboard and interface builder

Create a custom segue from your 'MyASManagerVC' to 'MyActionSheetVC' of class 'ASViewSegue' Choose an identifier and inform it to your 'MyASManagerVC', you can do it on interface builder.


Below you can see all protocols actually available, take a look on methods, each method and parameter has its own doc on project.

public protocol ActionSheetViewDelegate{
    func bottomVC(_ vc:UIViewController)
    func initialSize()->CGSize
    func finalSize()->CGSize
    func showDarkBackgroundLayer()->Bool
    func darkLayerOpacityForState(_ state:ActionSheetViewState)->Float

public protocol ActionSheetView:class {
    var controller:ActionSheetViewManager?{get set}
    func didChangeToState(_ state:ActionSheetViewState)
    func apperanceChangesFor(NewState state:ActionSheetViewState)
    func constraintChangesFor(NewState state:ActionSheetViewState)
    func uiChangesFor(Progress quant:CGFloat, BigStateProgress big:CGFloat, SmallStateProgress small:CGFloat)

public protocol ActionSheetViewManager{
    func changeToState(_ state:ActionSheetViewState,Animated animated:Bool)
    func reloadActionSheetView()

Looking for more details?

Take a look on Example project and methods documentation.


Create some issue and we can solve it together.




ActionSheetView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.