josefglatz / dotfiles

My personal dotfiles mainly for ZSH, oh-my-zsh and 👨‍💻 macOS. Due to it's complexity I don't recommend to use it with a fork. If you want start with your own dotfiles I recommend reading, and
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dotfiles dotfiles-macos dotfiles-zsh

dotfiles Josef Glatz (always work-in-progress due to it's nature)

Read this ingenious blog post about dotfiles to know when it's time to start using the so called "dotfiles".


Before you re-install

First, go through the checklist below to make sure you didn't forget anything before you wipe your hard drive.

On a sparkling frest installation of macOS:

# App Store
# Login to your App Store with your correct Account you're using for the App Store

# The Xcode Command Line Tools includes `git` and `make` (not available on stock macOS).
softwareupdate --all --install --force
xcode-select --install

## Clone repository
git clone ~/.dotfiles && cd ~/.dotfiles

# Generating a new SSH key (set passphrase!!! and add it to your password vault)
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL"

# Adding your SSH key to the SSH-agent
cp -n ./Templates/home/.ssh/config ~/.ssh/config
# follow

# Install Oh My Zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" "" --unattended --skip-chsh

# Run `./` to start the installation

# Restore preferences by running `mackup restore`

# Restart your computer to finalize the process

Your Mac is now read to use!


Directory ~/.dotfiles_local

Acts as a container for all local dotfiles specific adoptions. It scopes most dotfiles' relevant local files which are not part of the repository.

File ~/.extra

This file is needed to keep your private informations or credentials which must be not part of any dotfiles repository.

Folder ~/.dotfiles_local/bin

This folder is added to $PATH variable. You can put there your custom executable scripts which are available through PATH variable.

Folder ~/bin

This folder is added to $PATH variable. You can put there your custom executable scripts which are available through PATH variable. It is added in front of ~/.dotfiles_local/bin in $PATH variable.

File ~/.gitconfig_local

This file can be used to add custom global git config which is not part of the dotfiles repo.

File ~/.functions_local

This file can be used to add custom functions which are loaded in oh-my-zsh's custom folder in script functions.zsh.

Reference Links

prefFiles / plist