joselfonseca / laravel-tactician

Laravel Tactician is an implementation of the Command Bus Tactician by Ross Tuck.
MIT License
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Laravel Tactician

Laravel Tactician in an implementation of the Command Bus Tactician by Ross Tuck.

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To install this update your composer.json run composer require joselfonseca/laravel-tactician

>= laravel5.5

ServiceProvider will be attached automatically.


Once the dependencies have been downloaded, add the service provider to your config/app.php file:

    'providers' => [

You are done with the installation!


To use the command bus you can resolve the bus from the laravel container like so:

    $bus = app('Joselfonseca\LaravelTactician\CommandBusInterface');

Or you can inject it into a class constructor:

    use Joselfonseca\LaravelTactician\CommandBusInterface;

    class MyController extends BaseController

        public function __construct(CommandBusInterface $bus)
            $this->bus = $bus;


Once you have the bus instance you can add your handler for the command to be dispatched:

    $bus->addHandler('SomeCommand', 'SomeHandler');

Now you can dispatch the command with the middleware:

    // first parameter is the class name of the command
    // Second parameter is an array of input data to be mapped to the command
    // Third parameter is an array of middleware class names to be added to the stack
    $bus->dispatch('SomeCommand', [], []);

You can map the input data array of the Command's constructor with a plain list of arguments or the array itself. For example:

    // Send parameters in an array of input data ...    
    $bus->dispatch('SomeCommand', [
        'propertyOne'   => 'One',
        'propertyTwo'   => 'Two',
        'propertyThree' => 'Three',
    ], []);

    // ... and receive them as individual parameters ... 
    Class SomeCommand {
        public function __construct($propertyOne = 'A', $propertyTwo = 'B', $propertyThree = 'C'){

    // ... or receive array of input data itself 
        Class SomeCommand {
            public function __construct(array $data = [
                'propertyOne'   => 'A',
                'propertyTwo'   => 'B',
                'propertyThree' => 'C',

Of course, you can use default values!

For more information about the usage of the tactician command bus please visit


Check out this example of the package implemented in a simple create order command


You can configure the bindings for the locator, inflector, extractor and default bus by publishing the config file like so:

    php artisan vendor:publish

Then you can modify each class name and they will be resolved from the laravel container:

    return [
        // The locator to bind
        'locator' => 'Joselfonseca\LaravelTactician\Locator\LaravelLocator',
        // The inflector to bind
        'inflector' => 'League\Tactician\Handler\MethodNameInflector\HandleInflector',
        // The extractor to bind
        'extractor' => 'League\Tactician\Handler\CommandNameExtractor\ClassNameExtractor',
        // The bus to bind
        'bus' => 'Joselfonseca\LaravelTactician\Bus'


You can generate Commands and Handlers automatically using artisan:

artisan make:tactician:command Foo
artisan make:tactician:handler Foo

This will create FooCommand and FooHandler and place them in the app/Commands folder, please note that the words Command and Handler will be added to the class names respectively, so in the avobe example the clases created will be FooCommand and FooHandler.

To run both at once:

artisan make:tactician Foo

Middleware included

Laravel tactician includes some useful middleware you can use in your commands.

Change log

Please see the releases page


To run the tests in this package, navigate to the root folder of the project and run:

    composer install




Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email jose at ditecnologia dot com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.