joseneto / fusionwebapp

Rapid application development project for java
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FusionWebApp is a set of Java Frameworks for Rapid Development of Enterprise Web Applications. It is a project fully configured and ready for you to start your own web applications. Totally Customizable, it is a maven project built upon the following frameworks:

FusionWebApp Crud

Simple, fast, scalable. View layer using lightweight RESTful/json requests. Builds applications that conform to the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural paradigm. Start your Java project now!

Getting Started

First, download Maven ( and follow the installation instructions ( After that, type the following in a terminal or in a command prompt:

$ mvn --version

Download the FusionWebApp and place in a folder of your choice, this will be your project folder.

$ cd MyProjectFolder
$ mvn install
$ mvn compile
$ mvn package

Now your project can now be started! With these commands you should have generated a WAR file. This is all you need to know to generate your project, now let's learn how FusionWebApp works.


FusionWebApp use the ActiveJDBC, what is a lightweight and fast Java ORM, its easy query with ActiveJDBC:

List<person> people = Person.where("name = 'John'");
Person aJohn = people.get(0);
String johnsLastName = aJohn.get("last_name");

Creating new records:

Person p = new Person();
p.set("name", "Marilyn");
p.set("last_name", "Monroe");
p.set("dob", "1935-12-06");

You can learn more about ActiveJDBC here:

Configure Database

FusionWebApp has two configuration, the first refers to data migration and is found in the maven pom.xml, if you want to use data migration then you need to change this file and put the properties pertaining to your database


The other configuration file is the main settings of the database and the application, for deafult is the

# Generate Config

# Datasource Config

# Locale Config
#If you chage date format please change in application.js also
app.format.datetime=dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss

In addition to the configuration database is possible to change the default package usable to generates code (scaffold) and internationalization locale.

How to Migrate

FusionWebApp use the CarbonFive Plugin. To create a new migration, execute this command:

$ cd MyProjectFolder
$ mvn db-migration:new -Dname=create_people_table

this action would create an empty file in this localization:

$ MyProjectFolder\src\main\resources\db\migrations\20101112230703_create_people_table.sql

After that, add a sql code to the file:

  id  int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
  first_name VARCHAR(128),
  last_name VARCHAR(128),
  created_at DATETIME,
  updated_at DATETIME

From the command line, you can run the migration plugin like this:

$ mvn db-migration:migrate

You can get more information about the CarbonFive migration here:




With FusionWebApp is possible have many separate environments, by default we have two environments, and, you can choose between them in the file spring-mvc-servlet.xml:

<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="locations">


We chose to use Jquery EasyUI in our view layer, Jquery is commonly usable in many web projects, have a large library and a strong opensource community. Your project will be ready for Ajax, rest/json, HTML5 and much more!

We also used Sitemesh to manage the layouts, there is a single file application.jsp and all others views are rendered inside that file.

You can learn more about Jquery EasyUI here:


We choose Spring why it help structure whole applications, productive manner, pulling together best-of-breed single-tier frameworks to create a coherent architecture, using standard RESTful: /list, /save/, /edit{id}, /update/{id}, /destroy/{id}.

@RequestMapping(value = "/save", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody Map<String,String> save(@RequestParam Map<String,String> params) {



You can learn more about Spring MVC here:


With FusionWebApp is possible to generate a complete CRUD code with model, controller, service layer and view layer. All code generated is easily customized, FusionWebApp comes with a crud (Person - people) built, simply run the migrate database to test it. To generate a CRUD type the following in a terminal or in a command prompt:

$ cd MyProjectFolder
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="-m=Person"

Simple as that! The Generator read you table metadata, in this case people and create to you a complete crud, go to url /people and see it!.

FusionWebApp Crud2

Others arguments can be passed, to choose the desired table:

$ cd MyProjectFolder
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="-m=Person -t=mytable"

or -np to no pluralize

$ cd MyProjectFolder
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="-m=Person -np"

The code generator is free and opensource, it is in the package scaffold.generate, feel free to customize whenever you need.

Setting up your preferred IDE

Sometimes develop with an ide can bring a big productivity gain, it is possible to easily add support for Eclipse or Netbeans.

For Eclipse:

$ cd MyProjectFolder
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse

Now import your project to Eclipse. Netbeans just opens Maven projects. You don't need to convert them.

Why use FusionWebApp

There are several frameworks with the same proposal for rapid development, but FusionWebApp, uses what already exists and works in the market. That way you can learn more and more, if you develop a project using FusionWebApp, your experience will be with Jquery, Spring, ActiveJDBC, Maven, JaspeReport and more. Create incredible web applications and be ready for the market at the same time.