josephhaaga / dotfiles

my dotfiles
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Repeatable dev environment config


cd ~/Documents
git clone && cd dotfiles

# Install Brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

(echo; echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> ~/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

# Install Brew dependencies
brew bundle

# brew bundle --force cleanup

# install oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Restart to reload .zshrc

# Symlink config files to user directory
ln -s ~/Documents/dotfiles/.config ~

# install tmux plugins
# Run <C-b> + I to install Tmux plugins

# yabai: install scripting addition (enables most features)
echo "$(whoami) ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: sha256:$(shasum -a 256 $(which yabai) | cut -d " " -f 1) $(which yabai) --load-sa" | sudo tee /private/etc/sudoers.d/yabai
# start window manager (yabai) + hotkey manager (skhd)
yabai --start-service
skhd --start-service

# re-install neovim to fix python-provider (powers many vim plugins)
$ python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pynvim
$ brew reinstall neovim

# install Vim plugins via vim-plug
vim -c ':PlugInstall'

To install the theme, open Terminal, go to Terminal > Preferences > Profiles and click Import under the ... button at the bottom

To install tmux plugins, open tmux and hit Prefix + I.


How to install Vim plugins
Intro to tmux
Install Powerline fonts for Agnoster-based oh-my-zsh themes
VimAwesome – list of Vim resources




Control + b is my Prefix. (a.k.a C-b)

# start tmux
$ tmux

# list sessions
$ tmux ls

# attach to previous session
$ tmux a

# delete all sessions except current one
$ tmux kill-session -a

Split horizontally: Prefix + |
Split vertically: Prefix + -
Switch pane: Prefix + h,j,k,l
Move pane left: Prefix + shift + [
Flip panes horizontally: Prefix + cmd + o
Switch split orientation: Prefix + Space
Enter select mode: Prefix + [
Begin selection: v
Begin line selection: V
Exit select mode: q
Create new window: Prefix + c
See all commands: Prefix + ?
Start recording pane: :pipe-pane 'cat >~/mypanelog
Stop recording pane: :pipe-pane
Renumber windows starting at 1: Prefix + :move-window -r
Move window to: Prefix + . Help: Prefix + ?

other commands

list-keys to view all key bindings


I use Homebrew, the popular OS X package manager, to install most of my desktop applications (e.g. Chrome).

Run brew bundle in a directory containing a Brewfile to install all listed applications.

Run brew bundle dump to generate a Brewfile

Run brew services to see all services (including skhd, yabai, spacebar etc.

How to use Homebrew with multiple OS X users


I use neovim and vim-plug, a popular plugin manager written by junegunn.

Append an exclamation point to every line: :%norm A!
Append an exclamation point to selected lines: Control + v (to select lines), and then :norm A!
Replace selection: I forgot how to do this; best to just yank the text from visual mode and paste into your :%s/HERE/replacement/g command

View all themes: :Telescope colorscheme

Set background on start: vi +"set background=light"

Set colorscheme on start: vi +"colorscheme peachpuff"


The default shell in OS X is now zsh. I use a popular customization framework called oh-my-zsh for terminal theming, handy aliases etc.

Reload by running omz reload

Customize PS1 by altering prompt_context() in josephhaaga.zsh-theme

Themes are from lysyi3m/macos-terminal-themes


nodemon can run a command when a file/directory changes