josephj / standup-report

Generate daily stand-up report by connecting to Jira, Github and Google Calendar
MIT License
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[!NOTE] This project is listed in the Awesome Vite

[!TIP] Share storage state between all pages

Table of Contents


This boilerplate is made for creating chrome extensions using React and Typescript.

The focus was on improving the build speed and development experience with Vite(Rollup) & Turborepo.


Getting started:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Change extensionDescription and extensionName in messages.json file.
  3. Install pnpm globally: npm install -g pnpm (check your node version >= 18.12.0)
  4. Run pnpm install

And then, depending on needs:

For Chrome:

  1. Run:
    • Dev: pnpm dev (On windows, you should run as administrator. (Issue#456)
    • Prod: pnpm build
  2. Open in browser - chrome://extensions
  3. Check - Developer mode
  4. Find and Click - Load unpacked extension
  5. Select - dist folder at root

For Firefox:

  1. Run:
    • Dev: pnpm dev:firefox
    • Prod: pnpm build:firefox
  2. Open in browser - about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
  3. Find and Click - Load Temporary Add-on...
  4. Select - manifest.json from dist folder at root

Remember in firefox you add plugin in temporary mode, that's mean it'll disappear after each browser close. You have to do it on every browser launch.

Install dependency for turborepo:

For root:

  1. Run pnpm i <package> -w

For module:

  1. Run pnpm i <package> -F <module name>

package - Name of the package you want to install e.g. nodemon \ module-name - You can find it inside each package.json under the key name, e.g. @extension/content-script, you can use only content-script without @extension/ prefix

Env Variables

  1. Copy .example.env and past it as .env in the same path
  2. Add a new record inside .env
  3. Add this key with type for value to vite-end.d.ts (root) to ImportMetaEnv
  4. Then you can use it with import.meta.env.{YOUR_KEY} like with standard Vite Env

If you want to set it for each package independently:

  1. Create .env inside that package
  2. Open related vite.config.mts and add envDir: '.' at the end of this config
  3. Rest steps like above

Remember you can't use global and local at the same time for the same package(It will be overwritten)



Main app with background script, manifest


Some shared packages



To chat with other community members, you can join the Discord server. You can ask questions on that server, and you can also help others.

Also, suggest new features or share any challenges you've faced while developing Chrome extensions!


Star History

Star History Chart


This Boilerplate is made possible thanks to all of its contributors.

All Contributors

Special Thanks To

JetBrains Logo (Main) logo. Jackson Hong

Made by Jonghakseo