josezy / autoponico
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Software running on an ESP8266 to report measurements taken from atlas sensors
it pushes collected measurements to an InfluxDB bucket

Get started

Install the Arduino IDE
Copy the all libraries from /libraries to your Arduino's library location, usually at ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries
cp -R ./libraries/* ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries

or create a symlink 😏 ln -fs /Users/<user>/autoponico/arduino/libraries /Users/<user>/Documents/Arduino/libraries

Open the .ino file with Arduino IDE, compile and happy upload :fire:

[!NOTE] To update from webapp, generate the .bin file from Arduino IDE, rsync it to the ws-server and send command management update from webapp, it will tell the Arduino to download that file and apply updated firmware.


WebSocket server

NodeJS program using typescript to handle websockets between webapp and Arduino boards Move to dir cd ./ws-server Install packages yarn install Run with env (cat .env | xargs) nodemon main.ts

For production, run with env (cat prod.env | xargs) ts-node main.ts

[!NOTE] sudo snap install --classic certbot sudo certbot certonly --standalone -d

Web App

NextJS bootstraped app, check webapp/ for more info