joshmarinacci / ElectronIDE

New web based Arduino IDE
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Electron IDE

New web based Arduino IDE, not affiliated with the official Arduino projects.

Very early stages. Just compilation and basic editing works right now, plus some library stuff. You must be comfortable with the command line right now. All paths are currently hard coded for Mac.

To try it out do:

A note on Linux

In theory Electron should just work on Linux since it's just javascript underneath. However, some users have reported that some Linux distros (certainly Debian-based) have an existing program called node that is actually an ancient packet radio program. Try running node --version to make sure you really have NodeJS 10.x and not that other program. Uninstall it if you do. NodeJS might also be run as nodejs instead of node. On Ubuntu 14.04 we have reports that the nodejs-legacy package can successfully run Electron, which is to say you have to install it AND nodejs, which allows running it as node and nodejs.

What's New?

Version 0.4b3 released

Electron has a brand new UI built with UIKit and AngularJS. Electron works as a .app bundle now on Mac. Other platforms should use commandline install. settings.js is no longer used. Instead you can use the settings dialog. There are probably tons of bugs due to the UI changes. Please file issues. I'll get to them ASAP.

Version 0.1 released

I'm happy to announce Electron v0.1. This release has a ton of fixes to the toolchain. It should support 3rd party libs properly, and has preliminary support for Linux. I've also made a bunch of small GUI tweaks and the first attempt at a serial console.

For this release please test compiling all of your sketches to see where it breaks. Undoubtedly we will have more libraries and compiler fixes to add. File issues on the github project:

Special thanks to friends of the show Sean McCarthy, HippyJake, and Dean Iverson for their patches.

Thanks, Josh

Want to help?

Don't worry. There's tons to do.

If you want to help on the Node side, you can work on

If you want to help on the HTML side, you can work on

If you want to help with metadata, you can add to the repo:

And of course everyone must test test test.


Future features:


There are three components:

Platform design:

The platform abstraction encompasses both the host operating system and the target platform. The target platform is larger than just a board. It is the architecture and surrounding details. Initally we have one platform: AVR.
With the Due we have two AVR and SAM, which is ARM based. Some Arduino derivatives are based on the AVR or ARM platforms, but have their own variations that we must account for. This may involve adding extra files, or modifying existing ones, or modifying the upload process. So, all of this needs to be accounted for in the ‘platform’ abstraction. that’s a tall order.

Since we probably won’t get it right the first time, the platform abstraction will be internal initially. It will not be in the arduino-data repo. updating the platforms will require updating the IDE.

A key feature of platforms is that they can be downloaded on demand, and only the parts needed for the target host are required. Eventually they will be fully versioned as well, but until we find definitive sources and version information, it will just come from static zips that I host.

The official Arduino IDE consists of the following parts:

This means we really just need the hardware dir and the libraries dir. Everything else can go. While there is some shared between platforms, (like the libraries dir) for now it will be just one big zip that gets downloaded.