joshua-decoder / thrax

Hadoop-based tool for extraction of large scale synchronous grammars for paraphrasing and machine translation
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Thrax uses Apache hadoop (an open-source implementation of MapReduce) to efficiently extract a synchronous context-free grammar translation model for use in modern machine translation systems.

Thrax currently has support for both Hiero-style grammars (with a single non-terminal symbol) and SAMT-style grammars (where non-terminal symbols are calculated by projecting onto the span from a target-side parse tree).


First, you need to set two environment variables: $HADOOP should point to the directory where Hadoop is installed. $AWS_SDK should point to the directory where the Amazon Web Services SDK is installed.

To compile, type


This will compile all classes and package them into a jar for use on a Hadoop cluster.

At the end of the compilation, ant should report that the build was successful.

RUNNING THRAX: Thrax can be invoked with

hadoop jar $THRAX/bin/thrax.jar <configuration file>

Some example configuration files have been included with this distribution:


COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE: Copyright (c) 2010-13 by the Thrax team: Jonny Weese Juri Ganitkevitch

See LICENSE.txt (included with this distribution) for the complete terms.