joshuabowers / opium

An Object Mapping technology for defining models.
MIT License
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Opium::Model::Attributable#attributes=: should be able to set non-field attributes without them hitting the database #10

Closed joshuabowers closed 9 years ago

joshuabowers commented 9 years ago

Ideally, if the model has a field that matches the passed hash key, or responds to a setter matching that key, then it should delegate via send to the appropriate setter method. Otherwise, it should default to storing within the attributes hash.

Use case:

class User
  include Opium::Model
  field :password, type: String
  attr_accessor :password_confirmation

u = password: "redacted", password_confirmation: "redacted" )

u.attributes.has_key?( :password_confirmation ) # should be false; currently true.