joshuabowers / opium

An Object Mapping technology for defining models.
MIT License
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Provides an intuitive, Mongoid-inspired mapping layer between your application's object space and Parse.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'opium'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install opium


Within Rails

Opium will automatically establish itself as the default ORM for Rails.

ORM Configuration

Create a config file to communicate with your Parse database by running the config generator:

$ rails g opium:config

See the generated file at config/opium.yml for more details server closure note

Opium was originally written to communicate with apps hosted on; as hosted parse is hitting end-of-life in January 2017, any parse apps which wish to continue using the infrastructure need to be migrated to third-party hosted parse-server instance.

As of version 1.4.0, Opium should be able to communicate with these third-party installations. Within the generated configuration file, two settings need to be updated to point Opium at the proper server instance:

As the config file suggests, it is suggested that these values be provided in a server environment via environment variables.

Model Generator

A generator exists for creating new models; this should be invoked whenever rails g model gets invoked.

$ rails g model game title:string price:float

A separate generator is available for creating a model to wrap Parse's User model:

$ rails g opium:user

Finally, another generator is available to further customize Parse's Installation model:

$ rails g opium:installation

Both of these latter two generators otherwise accept the same arguments as the generic model generator.

Specifying a model

Models are defined by mixing in Opium::Model into a new class. Class names should match the names of the classes defined within Parse. You can define fields on your model which mirror the columns within a Parse class.

class Game
  include Opium::Model

  field :title, type: String
  field :price, type: Float

All models automatically come with three fields: :id, :created_at, and :updated_at. Field names are converted from a native ruby snake_case naming convention to a Parse lowerCamel convention.

Field data types

Opium comes with support for a variety of different data types for fields. These automatically will convert native ruby representations of the stored values to values supported by the parse backend, and conversely. At this time, Opium supports the following field types, where the first column is the type specified in ruby, and the second column is the type as stored in parse.

Ruby Type Parse Type
Integer Number
Float Number
String String
Symbol String
Date Date
DateTime Date
Time Date
Array Array
Opium::Boolean Boolean
Opium::GeoPoint GeoPoint
Opium::File File
Opium::Pointer Pointer

Field setters will generally attempt to convert any incoming value to a native ruby representation, as noted above. Opium will automatically convert these values to a parse-friendly representation as necessary: e.g., when performing a query or persisting data.

Setting the type for a field is done by specifying the :type option on the field method. If this option is not present, the field will default to a ruby type of Object, which acts as a pass-through of the values coming from and going to parse. In the example from the last section, the Game model has two fields, one which is specified as having a String type, while the other has a Float type.

Field options

Fields can be modified by a small set of options passed to their definition:

class Article
  include Opium::Model

  field :title, type: String, readonly: true
  field :edited_on, type: Date, as: :last_edited
  field :published_at, type: Date, default: -> { }

In the preceding example, an Article is never allowed to alter its title, while its last_edited field is locally aliased as edited_on, and it will provide a default value for published_at, should none otherwise be provided.

Model associations

Opium currently supports basic associations between models: an owning model can specify that it has_many of another model, which can specify that it belongs_to the former.

class Player
  # ...
  has_many :high_scores
  # ...

class HighScore
  # ...
  belongs_to :player
  # ...

Opium will attempt to infer the class name and inverse method of an association by standard Rails naming conventions: the singular, classified variant of the method name is taken to be the target class. In case naming conventions prohibit this inference from working properly, the following options are available:

Associations will be covered in more detail in the sections covering creating models and querying data. For now, note that Opium will attempt to manage the relationships between associated models for you and provides a robust, Rails-centric approach to manipulating and querying them.

Model field metadata

A set of utility class methods are provided to survey the defined fields and associations on any given model:

Each of these methods would be called on the model you wish to inspect. In the following example, we ask the Player model if it has a :name field, get all of its readonly fields, and grab a list of its associations:

class Player
  include Opium::Model
  field :name, type: String
  field :gamer_score, type: Integer
  has_many :high_scores
  has_many :played_games, class_name: 'GameSave', inverse_of: :played_by

# Should output the message, as Player does define a field called "name"
puts "'Player' has a name field!" if Player.has_field? :name

# Winnows the collection of field definitions by selecting only those which are readonly.
readonly_fields = {|_, field| field.readonly?}

# #relations is a hash, indexed by name; in this example, the output should include the text "high_scores, played_games".
puts "'Player' defines the following associations: #{ Player.relations.keys.join(', ') }"

Model metadata is readonly; it shouldn't be updated after the model has been defined. It might be useful, however, for writing model concerns or some sort of view decorator to help DRY up model usage in Rails.


Opium provides access to ActiveModel::Validations on a per model basis, so it is possible to validate the integrity of any data stored within an instance prior to saving it. Validations follow the normal ActiveModel format:

class Article
  include Opium::Model
  field :title, type: String
  # ...
  validates :title, presence: true

article =
article.valid?       # false, as .title is nil.
article.errors       # Standard ActiveModel::Errors object
article.title = 'Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey'
article.valid?       # true, as .title has a value.

As is standard with ActiveModel compliant libraries, attempting to save an invalid model will either return false (and not trigger the save) or raise an exception, depending upon how the save was triggered.

Callback hooks

Each Opium model has a set of callback points which can be hooked into. Adhering to the standard of ActiveModel::Callbacks, these provide a model a means by which to tie into various parts of an instance's lifecycle.

A full list of the available callbacks can be found by accessing the following constant:


Opium defines callbacks for the following events:

Event / Action Supported hooks
Save before, after, around
Create before, after, around
Update before, after, around
Destroy before, after, around
Initialize after
Find after
Touch after
Validation before, after

To define a callback, do something like in the following example. (This example uses Dirty attributes, which are discussed in the next section.)

class Game
  # ...
  field :price, type: Float
  has_many :on_wishlists, class_name: Wishlist
  # ...

  before_save :notify_price_drop


  def notify_price_drop
    if price_changed? && price_was > price
      # Send a message to all players who have the game on their wishlist ...

Please note that callbacks are only invokable within the context of Opium running in Ruby itself; these do not define Cloud Code JavaScript methods within the parse-server backend. If you need to tie into an instance's lifecycle outside the scope of a Ruby project, it is suggested that you look at using Cloud Code directly.

Dirty attribute tracking

Models will automatically gain attribute tracking, provided by ActiveModel::Dirty. As the fields of a model are altered, specialty events, of the form <field-name>_will_change! will be raised. At any point prior to saving, you can use the full suite of Dirty methods to query an instance about changes which have occurred to it. Dirty tracking follows a cycle: upon instance initialization, the model has no changes; upon a field changing, the current set of changes is updated; upon successfully saving the model, the current changes are cleared, and the previous changes get updated.

class Article
  include Opium::Model
  field :title, type: String
  field :body, type: String

article =
article.changes        # Should be empty

# As we are updating the .title, it'll flag the dirty tracking with its update;
# as it has changed, some output denoting the alteration should be made.
article.title = 'Something happen'
puts article.title_change.inspect if article.title_changed?

Dirty tracking is provided for any attribute defined by the field method.

JSON serialization

All Opium models should be serializable to JSON, using ActiveModel::Serialization. Note that a model instance does not include a root node.

JSON serialization is built around an object's attributes hash, which is publicly accessible. By default, all fields of the model are included within this hash. You can also store non-field data within attributes and have it show up in the JSON output.

Be aware that all Opium models use ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection for mass assignment sanitization.

Special Models: User and Installation

Parse defines a couple of utility classes for each app, which require special access privileges. Amongst these are two models for dealing with users of the app and the devices the app are installed on.

Opium provides wrappers around these constructs, in the form of Opium::User and Opium::Installation. For the most part, these two classes behave exactly like other models. Both classes are inheritable, so you can extend either of them with more information as necessary. Please be aware that the new subclasses will still be wrapping the core parse model, rather than being new models within the app; this means that you can still access their data via their superclasses, but would lose the convenient access to custom data.


The user model comes with the following data defined upon it:

Field Data type
id String
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime
username String
password String
email String
email_verified Opium::Boolean
session_token String

To further customize the User model with other fields, associations, or scopes, you can subclass Opium::User, as in the following example:

class CustomUser < Opium::User
  field :gamer_score, type: Integer
  has_many :high_scores

Note that as Opium::User is already an Opium::Model, you do not need to include that module into the custom user.

Opium::User provides a set of utility methods at the class level for handling user authentication and session handling.

At the instance level, Opium::User also provides a set of methods for reseting the users password:


The Opium::Installation class comes with a number of different fields predefined upon it:

Field Data Type
id String
created_at DateTime
updated_at DateTime
badge Integer
channels Array
time_zone String
device_type Symbol
push_type Symbol
gcm_sender_id Integer
installation_id String
device_token String
channel_uris Array
app_name String
app_version String
parse_version String
app_identifier String

Like Opium::User, the Installation class may be extended to provide access to more information stored within the parse database:

class CustomInstallation < Opium::Installation
  field :notify_on_score_change, type: Opium::Boolean

Installations provide a convenient method to perform advanced targeting when sending push notifications.

Creating and updating models

After defining a model with Opium, you might want to create new instances of it, or update the data of an existing instance. Opium has been designed to be familiar to anyone who has used other Rails-centric ORMs, such as ActiveRecord. In this regard, object creation follows two patterns: delayed persistence, and immediate persistence.

With delayed persistence, a model object is partially built and capable of being manipulated before being persisted. To finally create the model in parse-server, call its save method:

class Player
  include Opium::Model
  field :name, type: String
  field :gamer_score, type: Integer, default: 0

player = name: 'The Doctor' )
player.gamer_score = 1000

player.persisted?     # false, as it has not yet been saved
player.new_record?    # true, as it has not yet been saved

  # persisted!  
  player.persisted?   # true, as it has been saved
  # there was a problem!

As this example suggests, you build a new model instance by calling its constructor, which accepts an attributes hash. The model may be altered and updated to taste. When ready to save, call the save method. save will run validations on the model, fire off any defined callbacks, update dirty tracking, and attempt to persist the model to parse-server. Should any of these steps fail, save will return false, and halt the operation at the point of failure. Otherwise, save will return true.

Alternatively, you can use save!, which, in the event of a failure, will raise an exception.

Note that the model's id, created_at, and updated_at fields will not have a value until it has been persisted.

With immediate persistence, a model object is built and then immediately stored to parse-server. This is achieved using the create class method, which accepts an attributes hash:

player = Player.create( name: 'The Doctor', gamer_score: 1000 )
player.persisted?     # true, as it has been saved

create behaves like save!: if there was a failure at any point in the persistence process, an exception will be raised. If there is no failure, the object returned by the method is a persisted model within parse-server.

Updating a model follows a similar set of patterns: at any time you wish to store changes to a persisted model, call save or save!:

player.gamer_score += 50!

Alternatively, if you want to update the attributes of a model and save it simultaneously, you can do so with either update or update!, which behave analogously to the save methods:

if player.update( gamer_score: player.gamer_score + 50 )
  # persisted!
  # There was a problem!

player.update!( gamer_score: 2000 )

update is aliased as update_attributes, and update! is aliased as update_attributes!; use whichever makes more semantic sense to you.

If a model has any associations, it will attempt to persist the changes to the association, which might very well cause a cascade of persistence. Opium will attempt to only trigger a save call to a model if it needs to. Due to parse-server's unique way of representing model associations in its API, updating the association between two models does require a separate API call. Be wary when attempting to modify many models simultaneously.

When you define an association between two models, one of those models receives a special collection field of type Opium::Model::Relation for storing instances of the other model. This collection has utility methods for building new instances of the associated model:

class Player
  # ...
  has_many :high_scores
  # ...

class HighScore
  # ...
  belongs_to :player
  # ...

player =
player.high_scores.class     # Opium::Model::Relation
player.high_scores.count     # 0, as there are none, yet.

score1 =
score1.value = 200

# .build is aliased as .new; either accepts an attributes hash.
score2 = value: 1000 )

player.high_scores.count     # 2, from the previous actions

fail "That shouldn't have happened" unless score1.player == player

As you might expect, using a relation's build method will automatically add the built associated model to the collection; using this method will also cause the built model to point at the owner of the collection. You can also update the owner of a particular model on that model directly:

score3 = value: 10000 )
score3.player = player

player.high_scores.include?( score3 )   # true, as the above setter updates player.

Querying data

Models can be searched for via one of two different methods: by their associated id field value, or by criteria defining the attributes a model must have to be part of a match set.

Find by id

IDs in Parse should be unique within a given model class. As such, finding by id always returns, at most, one result: the model instance associated with the provided id.

Opium::Model provides a single class method, find for performing an id search. It accepts a single parameter, id, being a string representing the id to look for. Should a matching model exist, it will be the return value of the method; otherwise, an exception is raised. Any class which mixes in Opium::Model has access to this method.

score = HighScore.find( 'd3ADb3Ef' )

Criteria & Scopes

While find is useful if a model id is already available, it is more often desirable to perform a query across more and varied content stored within the model. This is where criteria come into play.

Kaminari support

Opium comes with support for Kaminari. To ensure that Opium loads itself correctly, please specify it after Kaminari within your Gemfile:

gem 'kaminari'
gem 'opium'

Models and Criteria will gain the methods defined by Kaminari, and should be compatible with Kaminari's pagination partials.

Push Notifications

Opium provides support for Parse's push endpoint via the Opium::Push class. The following attributes may be configured on a push before it is created:

Note that expires_at and push_at are mutually exclusive; Opium prioritizes push_at. push_at can only be a value within a two week window of

Furthermore, the data payload has some common fields which are accessible from the push object itself:

Note that note all of these data are supported on all platforms.

Once the push has be configured as desired, it can be sent out by triggering the create method, which will either raise an error on failure or return true on success. Note that a truthy return value does not necessarily indicate that Parse has successfully sent any notifications; rather it merely indicates that Parse has successfully received the push request and did not find anything egregious in it.

In the following example, a push is scheduled for a day in the future which targets some channels.

p =
  alert: 'Be sure to watch our eSports tournament on Twitch!',
  channels: %w[ Gaming eSports Tournaments ]

Advanced Targeting


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request