joshuatz / amazon-add-to-wishlist-bookmarklet

Raw code for a bookmarklet that lets you add products to your Amazon wishlist from almost any site.
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amazon-wishlist bookmarklet wishlist-bookmarklet

WARNING: This project is now "dead"

Amazon finally locked down and/or removed all the services and endpoints this bookmarklet relies on. After an exhaustive search, I could not find any suitable workarounds, so I have to abandon this tool unless someone can find a new endpoint to use. See this issue for details. Sorry everyone! :(

Amazon Add to Wishlist Bookmarklet

Demo GIF

Quick Intro:

The code in this repo is my raw, unprocessed code. If you want the actual bookmarklet, you can either checkout this repo and run "npm run build" to generate the installer page, or just go get the bookmarklet here.

The What:

This is the code behind a bookmarklet (a bookmark that executes a bit of JavaScript when you click it) that will let you add products to your Amazon wishlist from (almost) any website, even competitors of Amazon like eBay or Aliexpress. It is meant to replace the original bookmarklet that Amazon stopped offering, but I have also added some extra functionality and product detection features.

Please note that there are two ways that the bookmarklet can add an item to your list - same tab (AJAX) vs new tab, and the new tab method is unreliable at the moment due to a glitch on Amazon's side. I would recommend the same tab method, but for that to work, you need to configure the bookmarklet with your wishlist id (registryID). You can do this a few different ways:

The Why

Amazon used to offer something very close to what I created, a "Universal Add to Wishlist Bookmarklet", but they recently (seems like around March 2018) got rid of it entirely, and if you have it saved, clicking on it just brings up a link to install their new Chrome extension - "The Amazon Assistant". The Chrome extension is nice, but by default it is rather invasive and can read and write data on pretty much every site you visit. It is also way overkill if all I need to do is add a non-Amazon item to my wishlist from time to time. As such, and my obsession with bookmarklets in general, I set out to see if it was possible for me to create my own "add to wishlist" bookmarklet.

Things to note: