The scoop module installs Scoop, Scoop buckets and packages
include scoop
is enough to get you up and running. To pass in parameters specifying which buckets or packages to install:
class { 'scoop':
packages => [ 'firefox', 'ripgrep' ],
buckets => [ 'extras' ],
url_buckets => {
'wangzq' => ''
You can configure scoop quicly using the parameters for the main class, or use the resources contained in the module for finer controls.
include scoop
class { 'scoop':
packages => [ 'firefox', 'ripgrep' ],
class { 'scoop':
packages => [ 'firefox', 'ripgrep' ],
buckets => [ 'extras' ],
class { 'scoop':
url_buckets => {
'wangzq' => ''
class { 'scoop':
ensure => absent,