jovnc / bigatheart
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We are Hack4Hearts! We are a team of 2 persons, looking to leave a positive impact on the community through our project.

We are responding to Problem Statement #1 of Hack4Good 2024, to develop a low-cost and efficient volunteer management solution for NPO Big At Heart.


To achieve this, we created an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly platform which aims to motivate volunteers to sign up more events through the ease of use of our website as well as through gamification of the volunteering system (including avatar unlocking, live view of user statistics etc.) The platform also aims to speed up administrative processes by allowing administrators to approve events and attendance easily. Administrators can now generate reports regarding volunteer trends (such as the number of volunteer hours for each month and for each gender, employment status etc.). Certificate issuing, welcome emails and WhatsApp group invites are automated.

This is the link to our website hosted on Vercel.

Tech Stack

Getting Started

These are the steps to get started with Hack4Heart website

  1. Download Node
  2. Make sure you have Git installed and configured
  3. git clone the repository
  4. cd bigatheart to switch to the repository
  5. npm install to install all node dependencies for the project
  6. Create a .env.local file at the root of the bigatheart directory
  7. Sign up for a Supabase account and create a new bucket and obtain the NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL and NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY and place them inside the .env.local file
  8. npx supabase init to initialise supabase on local development environment, then npx supabase login to login to your supabase account from the terminal
  9. npx supabase link to link your supabase database to the local development environment
  10. npx supabase db push to push the supabase database schema from the supabase/migrations folder to supabase to create all the tables and configure appropriate row level security for your database
  11. Sign up for an Edgestore account and create a new project and obtain EDGE_STORE_ACCESS_KEY and EDGE_STORE_SECRET_KEY and place them inside the .env.local file
  1. npm run dev to run the website in local development server
  2. npm run build then npm run start to build and run the production server locally
  3. Optionally, you can choose to deploy on CI/CD web hosting sites such as Vercel or Netlify

Future Development of Hack4Heart

Due to time and manpower limitations, we could only do so much and there are many places that can still be improved upon

  1. Next.JS performance optimisation for faster speed loads
  2. Additional sorting and filter fields for better user experience
  3. More data visualisation options by using additional graphs and charts generated based on data fetched from the API, and possibly integrating Power BI for more powerful data visualisation
  4. Integration of ChatGPT into the poster description for creation of events to help administrators write out the poster description and generate posters
  5. Implement tighter RLS security policies for database to prevent hacking
  6. Lazy loading of events and creating pages to browse events
  7. Generate more various kinds of certificates and invitation templates for better user experience

Credits: Jovan Ng Chengen, Loh Jia Xin