Tiny and versatile command-line table generator.
This module is very early in development, so bugs may appear here and there.
Simple table:
import { Table } from 'https://deno.land/x/tbl/mod.ts';
const table = new Table(); // this is an array!
table.push([ 'hello', 'world' ]);
table.push([ 'testing', 123 ]);
Table with header:
const table = new Table({
header: [ 'name', 'age', 'occupation' ]
table.push([ 'Joe', 19, 'Software Engineer' ]);
table.push([ 'Niko', '?', 'Not a cat' ]);
table.push([ 'Ryan Dahl', 39, 'Software Engineer' ]);
Table with custom characters:
const table = new Table({
header: [ 'name', 'age', 'occupation' ],
chars: {
middleMiddle: '═', topMiddle: '╤' , topLeft: '╔' , topRight: '╗'
, bottomMiddle: '╧' , bottomLeft: '╚' , bottomRight: '╝'
, left: '║' , leftMiddle: '╟' , rowMiddle: '┼'
, right: '║' , rightMiddle: '╢' , middle: '│'
Table with custom cell widths:
const languages = new Table({
header: [ 'name', 'extension', 'description' ],
widths: [ 20, 0, 60 ] // 0 = width is not fixed
Table from array of objects:
const users = [
{ name: 'Joe', age: 19, occupation: 'Software Engineer' },
{ name: 'Niko', age: '?', occupation: 'Not a cat' },
{ name: 'Ryan Dahl', age: 39, occupation: 'Software Engineer' }
const table = new Table({
header: [ 'name', 'age', 'occupation' ]
// specifying the header is necessary