jpadams / puppet_vim_env

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Note: This module has been rewritten for Puppet 4 and is not compatible with Puppet 3.x (should work with future parser). This module provides defined types to set up a vim envrionment optimized for Puppet development. It uses a solarized color scheme by default.

It relies on the work done by many, many people and specifically draws upon the following resources:

It uses a custom fact, homedir, to decide where to put the .vimrc file and .vim directory. Beware, this will clobber your existing ~/.vimrc!


This module has been rewritten to assume the all-in-one, unified puppet-agent for PE and Open Source Puppet. It uses the Puppet 4 parser. This module relies on a couple of modules from Which should be pulled in as dependencies by the Puppet Module Tool. If they are not because you're installing from github, you can install them yourself.

In case you were wondering, this module doesn't manage the vim package itself. It is assumed to be installed. This module also assumes that the system you want vim enhancements for has git and curl installed.

Installation & Setup

To begin using this module, install it in your master's codedir and write a profile (wrapper) to set up whatever user's vim environments you need. Classify agents with the profile (or a role containing it) and you're set.

For convenience or a quick test, there is a default config class in init.pp. So if you classify your machine with puppet_vim_env you'll get that default.

Alternatively, puppet module install jpadams-puppet_vim_env to an agent machine and puppet apply -e 'include puppet_vim_env' with the modulepath set if necessary.