Typogrify.module brings the typographic refinements of Typogrify to Drupal.
Wraps ampersands (the "&" character) with &.
Prevents single words from wrapping onto their own line using Shaun Inman's Widont technique.
Converts straight quotation marks to typographer's quotation marks, using SmartyPants.
Converts multiple hyphens to en dashes and em dashes (according to your preferences), using SmartyPants.
Wraps multiple capital letters with CAPS.
Wraps abbreviations with t.l.a..
Wraps initial quotation marks with or .
Adds a css style sheet that uses the tags to substitute a showy ampersand in headlines, switch caps to small caps, and hang initial quotation marks.
Typogrify originated as Python code by Christian Metts. Typogrify.module uses Hamish Macpherson's port, php-typogrify.
Announcement: http://www2.jeffcroft.com/sidenotes/2007/may/29/typogrify-easily-produce-web-typography-doesnt-suc/
Example Page: http://static.mintchaos.com/projects/typogrify/
Project Page: http://code.google.com/p/typogrify/
Typogrify.module uses PHP Typogrify: http://blog.hamstu.com/
Typogrify.module uses PHP SmartyPants: http://www.michelf.com/projects/php-smartypants/
To learn more about Widont: http://www.shauninman.com/archive/2006/08/22/widont_wordpress_plugin
The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web http://webtypography.net/
Five simple steps to better typography http://www.markboulton.co.uk/journal/comments/five_simple_steps_to_better_typography/
Thinking With Type http://www.thinkingwithtype.com/
And if you're going to buy one book... http://www.amazon.com/Elements-Typographic-Style-Robert-Bringhurst/dp/0881791326