jpda / azure-tag-manager

Manages tags on Azure resources automatically.
Apache License 2.0
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azure azure-functions dotnet tagging

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azure-tag-manager :cloud: :zap:

:warning: Running locally will use your user account which may have more access than your production service principal/MSI.

Timer driven functions run at the top of the hour and iterate through all available subscriptions, so keep in mind that you may end up with resources tagged with an expires tag. Just delete the tag if you don't want it, but as of now there is no explicit white or blacklist for subscriptions, it is driven by principal access.

Created to help me with resource sprawl. I have a mix of demo, poc, test and production stuff strewn about subscriptions and it's annoying to keep up with...especially when the bill comes :moneybag: I started with Azure Policy, but found I couldn't do evaluations (like created time + 30 days), so decided to build my own tagger.

Deploy to Azure

Current functionality

Name-based tagging

Name-based tagging is driven by the name of the resource group, delimited by dash (-). Right now, position-to-tagname isn't configurable, but it's on the list.

For a sample resource group, named service-msft-prod-azman-main-compute:

Position Tag name Sample value Notes
0 function service I use these for why I deployed this - service, test, demo, etc
1 customer msft I do a lot of work for customers so it's a useful tag for me to know who this was for
2 env prod Environment, so I can apply certain policy to certain groups
remaining thing azman-main-compute Whatever the thing actually is

When tagging is finished, it looks like this:

sample tags



Getting started



Configuration has two parts. First, the Azure Functions configuration, which goes in AppSettings of the function app. There doesn't seem to be support for Azure App Configuration just yet for storing all of the config in App Configuration, so the Function-required settings for bindings are in AppSettings.

Using Azure App Configuration isn't required - as long as these settings are available in AppSettings, environment variables or in App Configuration.

App Settings configuration

These are mostly related to bindings. You can use different storage accounts for queues or the same one. In most cases a single storage account will be more than sufficient :)

"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
// storage account connection string with the tagging queue
"TaggingQueueStorageAccount": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true", 
// name of the tagging queue
"TaggingQueueName": "generate-tag-suite", 
// storage account connection string with the deletion queue
"DeleteQueueStorageAccount": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true", 
// name of the deletion queue
"DeleteResourceGroupQueueName": "delete-resource-group", 
// storage account connection string with the outbox queue
"OutboxQueueStorageAccount": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true", 
// name of the outbox queue
"OutboxQueueName": "mailer-outbox", 
// sendgrid key for sending mail
"SendGridKey": ""
// App Configuration connection string
"AZMAN-AAC-CONNECTION": "AAC connection string"

Azure App Configuration

These are related to behavior configuration and not tied to Azure. As this gets refactored out more it will be make more sense to have them split.

  "TaggingOptions": {
    "ExpirationTagKey": "expires", // tag name to set for expiration
    "ExpirationWindowInDays": 30,
    "DefaultOwner": "unknown",
    "DefaultTaggedByName": "azman"
  "DeletionOptions": {
    "Commit": false, // sort of like a 'what-if' switch, does everything except actually delete the resource group
    "NotifyOnDeletion": false, // enables notifications
    "ExportTemplateBeforeDeletion": true, // enables template export before deletion
    "PersistenceStorageContainer": "templates", // container name for storing exported templates
    "RequireExport": true // requires successful export for deletion to proceed. if `true` and the export fails, the deletion will not happen



Template export




MSI & authentication considerations
