jpetazzo / syslogdocker

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One syslog to rule them all

  1. Build the syslog container:

    docker build -t syslog .

  2. Monitor the logs:

    docker run --volumes-from syslog ubuntu tail -f /var/log/syslog

  3. Run it:

    docker run --name syslog -d -v /tmp/syslogdev:/dev syslog

  4. Start another container to send logs:

    docker run -v /tmp/syslogdev/log:/dev/log ubuntu logger hello

  5. Alternative to #2, as of docker v1.3 use the docker-exec command to inspect syslog container directly, after some logs have been generated

    docker exec -t syslog tail -f /var/log/syslog

  6. See in the log message show up in the "tail" container.


For more information on this approach, see Multiple Docker containers logging to a single syslog.

Other methods

See #4 for insights about achieving similar results without requiring an host bind moount (thanks @helderco!)