jpeyre / unrel

Code for the paper : "Weakly-supervised learning of visual relations", ICCV17
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Weakly-supervised learning of visual relations

Created by Julia Peyre at INRIA, Paris.


This is the code for the paper :

Julia Peyre, Ivan Laptev, Cordelia Schmid, Josef Sivic, Weakly-supervised learning of visual relations, ICCV17.

The webpage for this project is available here, with a link to the paper and UnRel dataset.


The code and dataset are available for research purpose. Check the LICENSE file for details.


If you find this code useful in your research, please, consider citing our paper:

@InProceedings{Peyre17, author = "Peyre, Julia and Laptev, Ivan and Schmid, Cordelia and Sivic, Josef", title = "Weakly-supervised learning of visual relations", booktitle = "ICCV", year = "2017" }

Related work

If you are interested in learning more about the optimization with discriminative clustering, check :

Antoine Miech, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Piotr Bojanowski, Ivan Laptev, Josef Sivic, Learning from video and text via large-scale discriminative clustering, ICCV17 (paper,code)


  1. Dependencies
  2. Data
  3. Demo
  4. Running on new images


To run this code, you need to install :

  1. MOSEK : version 7
  2. CVX : version 2.1
  3. VLFEAT : version 0.9.20

Once installed, setup the paths in startup file :



To use this code with Visual Relationship Detection dataset and UnRel, follow the following steps to get the data.

  1. Download the pre-processed data

This repository contains the folders for the datasets. The structure of the folders is as follows :

------ models/
------------- gmm-{weak,full}.mat   # GMM model for quantized spatial configurations trained with weak/full supervision
------------- pca-{weak,full}.mat   # PCA model for dimension reduction on appearance features trained with weak/full supervision
------------- vgg16_fast_rcnn_iter_80000.caffemodel   # VGG16 object detector caffemodel
------------- test.prototxt                           # VGG16 object detector prototxt
------ classifiers/   # trained models
------ vrd-dataset/   # dataset name
------------------ test/   # split
------------------------ candidates/   # candidates name
----------------------------------- pairs.mat     # candidates pairs of boxes stored in a structure :
                          # pairs.im_id : image id for the pair of boxes
                          # pairs.sub_id : id of the subject box
                          # pairs.obj_id : id of the object box
                          # pairs.rel_id : id for the pair of boxes
                          # pairs.sub_cat : subject category
                          # pairs.obj_cat : object category
                          # pairs.rel_cat : predicate category
                          # pairs.sub_box : coordinates of subject box [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]
                          # pairs.obj_box : coordinates of object box [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]
----------------------------------- objects.mat   # candidates objects
----------------------------------- objectscores.mat   # object scores for the candidates objects computed with object detector
----------------------------------- features/
-------------------------------------------- appearance-{weak,full}/   # appearance features for the candidates objects for each image (first column indicates obj_id)  

The folder candidates/ can contain different types of candidates :

The folder features/ only contains the pre-processed appearance features for the objects (given by an object detector, and after applying PCA). Now, we need to compute the spatial features for the pairs of boxes.

  1. Extract the spatial features
    To compute the spatial features, run :

    This step will pre-compute the spatial features for all candidates pairs of boxes in each image.


Now you can run our demo script to train and/or evaluate :


You can change the training/evaluation options by modifying the object opts. Refer to config.m to see the different options available for training and evaluation. We also provide scripts in folder experiments/ to reproduce the results in our paper.

You will need approximately 10G memory to re-train our weakly-supervised model on Visual Relationship Dataset.

Running on new images

You might want to test our model on new images. For this, follow these steps :

  1. Get candidate pairs of boxes for the new images (you can use different proposal methods, e.g. selective search)
  2. Run our pre-trained Fast-RCNN object detector on Caffe to get object scores and extract the appearance features
  3. Apply PCA for dimension reduction on appearance features
  4. Run compute_spatial_features.m to compute the quantized spatial features

You can contact the first author for more information regarding the pre-processing steps on new images.