jpjhan / RABBIT

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A generalized tool for accurate and efficient multi-lens multispectral camera image registration

Due to multi-lens camera utilizes each lens to record separate heterogeneous images, such as visible (RGB), multispectral (MS), or thermal (TIR) information, the differences of viewpoints and lens distortion leading to significant ghost effects of original images. To recover one-sensor geometry for precise spectral measurements, it requires band co-registration processing to correct the misregistration errors (MREs).

Based on our years research, we have developed a generalized tool, named Robust and Adaptive Band-to-Band Image Transform (RABBIT), that can accuratly correct the MREs of various state-of-the-art multi-lens cameras.

MREs of Original Image Results of RABBIT

Supported Multi-lens Camera

RABBIT supports various state-of-the-art multi-lens structured cameras as listed below.

Manufacture Tetracam Micasense Rededge Parrot
Models MCA-4, MCA-6, MCA-12 MX, Altum Sequoia Duo Pro R

*Please contact us if you need a different model.


1. Sucessful Image Matching

RABBIT utilizes a novel N-SURF matching that can extract more features and increase the amount of correct matches on heterogenous images. This is a crucial step to connect images and estimnate the image transformation coefficients.

2. Proper Image Transform

RABBIT adopts an extended projective transform (EPT) that can correct the differences of viewpoints and lens distortion effects. Compared to affine transform (AT) and projective transform (PT), EPT has the smallest residuals of MREs and best accuracy of co-registration results.

AT: Only parallel image rotation and translation are considered.
PT: Considering three dimensions axises rotation and translation.
EPT: Simliar to PT, but the lens distortion differences are also considered.

3. High Accuracy

RABBIT can achieve 0.2-0.7 pixels band co-registration accuracy.

MCA-12 Altum Sequoia

4. High Efficiency

RABBIT can run under multi-thread CPU or GPU. The comparisons of processing efficiency are listed in the following table.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 3.2 GHz
Camera Tetracam MCA-12 Micasense Altum Parrot Sequoia
Image Resolution 1280 X 1024 2064 X 1544 1280 X 960
Bands X Groups 12 X 100 5 X 100 4 X 100
Independent in Multi-thread CPU 65 min. 62 min. 17 min.
Independent in GPU 13 min. 14 min. 3 min.
Batch in Multi-thread CPU 2 min. 2 min. 2 min.
Batch in GPU 2 min. 2 min. 2 min.

4. Results

Camera MCA-12 Altum Sequoia

How to Use

RABBIT is easy to use within three simple steps.

1. Create a new project and chose the camera model.

2. Select the image path of ordered folders.

For example of Micasense RedEdge Altum: .../Images ....../Mica1 ....../Mica2 ....../Mica3 ....../Mica4 ....../Mica5

2.1 Read Camera Information (FLIR Duo Pro R Only) Since the sensors of FLIR has different image resolutions and focal lengths, it requires to import the interior orientation parameters in advance.

3. Run the RABBIT without modifiying the settings.

All images are loded and only master bands are shown on the left pannel. Click the Run buttom below and your results will sotre in the RABBIT folder.

Chose Camera Model Select Image Patch Run RABBIT

4. Settings

4.1 Feature Points The default value is 2% of the image resolution. Change to a higher or lower value to increase matching reliablity or reduce processing time. However, we do not recommend adjusting it, because a higher value of feature points will not siginficantly affect the processing time in GPU mode, but it does in CPU mode.

4.2 Independent vs. Batch Independent is to conduct N-SURF matching and EPT on each group of images, which can obtain more accurate and reliable results. Batch is to use same coefficients from one corrected group of images, which can achive ultra-speed processing efficiency.

When to use batch mode If all lenses of camera are highly synchronized, have same shutter speed, and the observation object distances are constant, we can treat the imaging geometry among all groups of images are the same. Therefore, we can simply choose one group of image for correction and then apply the obtained coefficients to the rest groups of images.

** Tips: Choose one group of images that have rich texture and high contrast for correction.

Setting Accuracy of one group

4.3 CPU vs. GPU By default, RABBIT detects your most poweful GPU device for increasing the processing efficincy.

We use Alea GPU commuity for GPU accelerating, see what kinds of GPU cards are supported in Alea GPU


If RABBIT help in your research/projects, please consider citing the following papers.

Jhan, J.-P., Rau, J.-Y., Huang, C.-Y., 2016. Band-to-band registration and ortho-rectification of multilens/multispectral imagery: A case study of MiniMCA-12 acquired by a fixed-wing UAS. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 114, 66-77.

Jhan, J.-P., Rau, J.-Y., Haala, N., 2018. Robust and adaptive band-to-band image transform of UAS miniature multi-lens multispectral camera. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 137, 47-60.


Sample Dataset


If you have any questions about RABBIT, please contact Dr. Jyun-Ping Jhan