jpmorganchase / api-miner

Apache License 2.0
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aiml applied-innovation-of-ai jpmorganchase

API Miner

API-Miner recommends semantically similar API Specification snippets to promote discoverability and consistency in designing OpenAPI Specification (OAS).

Maintenance Level

This repository is maintained to fix bugs and ensure the stability of the existing codebase. However, please note that the team does not plan to introduce new features or enhancements in the future.

Quick Setup

1) Clone API-Miner into your local system

git clone <link>

2) Load your dataset

3) Set up your environment


Boot up demo


Run endpoint_modified_spec_demo(modify_type='early_draft')

Run endpoint_modified_spec_demo(modify_type='masked')

Run endpoint_modified_spec_demo(modify_type='mangled')


NOTE: Both and will trigger dataset, database and demo model set up. The set up will only run the first time and may take several hours to complete. You should only run 1 of either or at a time during initialization to avoid collision errors.

3) Changing configurations for demo model

    TREE_WEIGHT: 0.3, 
    TEXT_WEIGHT: 0.3, 
    FUZZY_WEIGHT: 0.3, 


Options for featurization:

Options for computing similarity scoring:


Using individual components from API-Miner

Alternatively, you can make use of the individual components of API-Miner.

i) To parse OpenAPI specifications (version 2.0) to extract key features such as tree path tokens, natural language texts and keyword text embeddings, you can make use of the Parser as follows:

from api_miner.data_processing.parser import APIParserSwagger

spec = { ... } #  insert OpenAPI specification in JSON format
parser = APIParserSwagger()
endpoint_objects = parser.featurize_endpoints_in_spec(spec)
api_endpoint_object = endpoint_objects['example_endpoint_name'] # example_endpoint_name should be an actual endpoint that exists in spec

endpoint_specification = api_endpoint_object.content
endpoint_file_name = api_endpoint_object.from_spec
endpoint_tree_path_tokens = api_endpoint_object.tree_context
endpoint_keyword_text_tokens = api_endpoint_object.text_context
endpoint_natural_language_texts = api_endpoint_object.full_text_context
endpoint_quality_score = api_endpoint_object.quality_score

ii) To vectorize a list of specifications and obtain feature vectors, you can make use of the Vectorizer

from api_miner.data_processing.parser import APIParserSwagger
from api_miner.data_processing.vectorizer import APIVectorizer

# Fit vectorizer on your data (NOTE: there must be sufficient number of unique endpoints (i.e > 15))
specs = [{ ... }, { ... }, ... ] #  insert a list of OpenAPI specifications in JSON format
parser = APIParserSwagger()
vectorizer = APIVectorizer(), parser)

tree_path_vectorizer = vectorizer.tree_vectorizer
keyword_text_tokens_vectorizer = vectorizer.text_vectorizer
tree_path_tokens_count_matrix = vectorizer.tree_cm
keyword_text_tokens_count_matrix = vectorizer.text_cm
natural_language_texts = vectorizer.full_text_contexts
endpoints_in_specs = vectorizer.endpoint_to_idx.keys()

iii) To fit a fusion model that can retrieve relevant endpoints, you can make use of the models as follows. NOTE: refer to the 'Definitions' section under 'Boot up demo' section 4 (Changing configurations for demo model) of this README file to find out how to change the configurations around for the models.

from api_miner.data_processing.parser import APIParserSwagger
from api_miner.data_processing.vectorizer import APIVectorizer
from api_miner.models.configs import tfidf, ppmi, bert, bert_original, bert_sent, tfidf_bert, ppmi_bert, none_val, avg_emb, t_svd, cca, concat, bert_original, bert_sent, fuzzy_true, TextEmbeddingsConfig, ModelConfig
from api_miner.data_processing.utils import transform_specs_to_features

# Fit vectorizer on your data (NOTE: there must be sufficient number of unique endpoints (i.e > 15))
specs = [{ ... }, { ... }, ... ] #  insert a list of OpenAPI specifications in JSON format
parser = APIParserSwagger()
vectorizer = APIVectorizer(), parser)
endpoints_in_specs = vectorizer.endpoint_to_idx.keys()

# Fit text embedding model (ie. model based on features from on keyword tokens or natural language text or both)
text_emb_config = TextEmbeddingsConfig(
    text_config= tfidf, 
    bert_config= none_val, 
    ppmi_config = none_val,
    keyword_emb_config = none_val, 
    emb_concat_config = none_val, 
    laplace_k = none_val,
    alpha = 0.1,
    keep_top_k = none_val)
text_emb_model = TextEmbeddings(text_emb_config) 

# Fit fusion model  
model_config = ModelConfig(
    tree_config= tfidf, 
    text_config= tfidf, 
    bert_config= none_val, 
    ppmi_config = none_val, 
    laplace_k = none_val,
    alpha = 0.1,
    keep_top_k = none_val

model = FusionModel(model_config, text_emb_model) 

# Retrieve similarity scores given a query specification endpoint
query = {...} #  insert OpenAPI specification in JSON format
query_feature = transform_specs_to_features(specs = [query], parser = parser, vectorizer = vectorizer)

# Retrieve similarity score predictions from the model. 
# NOTE similarity_scores corresponds to the similarity score of each endpoint in (endpoints_in_specs) obtained from the vectorizer. The higher the value, the more similarity it is to the query. 
similarity_scores = model.find_fusion_similarity_scores(
    fuzzy_config= fuzzy_true, 
    "swagger": "2.0", 
    "schemes": ["https"], 
    "host": "", 
    "basePath": "/v2/", 
    "info": {
        "contact": {"email": "", "name": "", "url": ""}, 
        "description": "Wikipedia for Web APIs. Repository of API specs in OpenAPI 3.0 format.\n\n**Warning**: If you want to be notified about changes in advance please join our [Slack channel](\n\nClient sample: [[Demo]]( [[Repo]](\n", "license": {"name": "CC0 1.0", "url": ""}, 
        "title": "", 
        "version": "2.0.2", 
        "x-apisguru-categories": ["open_data", "developer_tools"], 
        "x-logo": {"url": ""}, 
        "x-origin": [{"format": "swagger", "url": "", "version": "2.0"}], 
        "x-providerName": "", 
        "x-tags": ["API", "Catalog", "Directory", "REST", "Swagger", "OpenAPI"]
    "externalDocs": {"url": ""}, 
    "produces": ["application/json; charset=utf-8", "application/json"], 
    "security": [], 
    "tags": [{"description": "Actions relating to APIs in the collection", "name": "APIs"}], 
    "paths": {
        "/list.json": {
            "get": {
                "description": "List all APIs in the directory.\nReturns links to OpenAPI specification for each API in the directory.\nIf API exist in multiple versions `preferred` one is explicitly marked.\n\nSome basic info from OpenAPI spec is cached inside each object.\nThis allows to generate some simple views without need to fetch OpenAPI spec for each API.\n", 
                "operationId": "listAPIs", 
                "responses": {"200": {"description": "OK", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/APIs"}}}, 
                "summary": "List all APIs", 
                "tags": ["APIs"]
        "/metrics.json": {
            "get": {
                "description": "Some basic metrics for the entire directory.\nJust stunning numbers to put on a front page and are intended purely for WoW effect :)\n", 
                "operationId": "getMetrics", 
                "responses": {"200": {"description": "OK", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Metrics"}}}, 
                "summary": "Get basic metrics", "tags": ["APIs"]
    "definitions": {
        "API": {
            "additionalProperties": "false", 
            "description": "Meta information about API", 
            "properties": {
                "added": {"description": "Timestamp when the API was first added to the directory", "format": "date-time", "type": "string"}, 
                "preferred": {"description": "Recommended version", "type": "string"}, 
                "versions": {"additionalProperties": {"$ref": "#/definitions/ApiVersion"}, "description": "List of supported versions of the API", "minProperties": "1", "type": "object"}
            "required": ["added", "preferred", "versions"], 
            "type": "object"
        "APIs": {
            "additionalProperties": {"$ref": "#/definitions/API"}, 
            "description": "List of API details.\nIt is a JSON object with API IDs(`<provider>[:<service>]`) as keys.\n",
            "example": {"": {"added": "2015-02-22T20:00:45.000Z", "preferred": "v3", "versions": {"v2": {"added": "2015-02-22T20:00:45.000Z", "info": {"title": "Drive", "version": "v2", "x-apiClientRegistration": {"url": ""}, "x-logo": {"url": ""}, "x-origin": {"format": "google", "url": "", "version": "v1"}, "x-preferred": "false", "x-providerName": "", "x-serviceName": "drive"}, "swaggerUrl": "", "swaggerYamlUrl": "", "updated": "2016-06-17T00:21:44.000Z"}, "v3": {"added": "2015-12-12T00:25:13.000Z", "info": {"title": "Drive", "version": "v3", "x-apiClientRegistration": {"url": ""}, "x-logo": {"url": ""}, "x-origin": {"format": "google", "url": "", "version": "v1"}, "x-preferred": "true", "x-providerName": "", "x-serviceName": "drive"}, "swaggerUrl": "", "swaggerYamlUrl": "", "updated": "2016-06-17T00:21:44.000Z"}}}}, 
            "minProperties": "1", "type": "object"
        "ApiVersion": {
            "additionalProperties": "false", 
            "properties": {
                "added": {
                    "description": "Timestamp when the version was added", 
                    "format": "date-time", 
                    "type": "string"
                "externalDocs": {"description": "Copy of `externalDocs` section from OpenAPI definition", "minProperties": "1", "type": "object"}, 
                "info": {"description": "Copy of `info` section from OpenAPI definition", "minProperties": "1", "type": "object"}, 
                "swaggerUrl": {"description": "URL to OpenAPI definition in JSON format", "format": "url", "type": "string"}, 
                "swaggerYamlUrl": {"description": "URL to OpenAPI definition in YAML format", "format": "url", "type": "string"}, 
                "updated": {"description": "Timestamp when the version was updated", "format": "date-time", "type": "string"}
            "required": ["added", "updated", "swaggerUrl", "swaggerYamlUrl", "info"], 
            "type": "object"
        "Metrics": {
            "additionalProperties": "false", 
            "description": "List of basic metrics", 
            "example": {"numAPIs": "238", "numEndpoints": "6448", "numSpecs": "302"}, 
            "properties": {
                "numAPIs": {"description": "Number of APIs", "minimum": "1", "type": "integer"}, 
                "numEndpoints": {"description": "Total number of endpoints inside all specifications", "minimum": "1", "type": "integer"}, 
                "numSpecs": {"description": "Number of API specifications including different versions of the same API", "minimum": "1", "type": "integer"}
            "required": ["numSpecs", "numAPIs", "numEndpoints"], 
            "type": "object"}
        "from_spec": "your_path/spec.json", 
        "quality_score": 0.5

Exploring configurations of API-Spector

api-spector$ python

1) Set up


- openapi_version: defines the open-api version of the OpenAPI specifications in your dataset. Note that in the current version, only 2 is supported. If other versions exist in your raw dataset, they will be ignored. 
- optim_hyperparams: this is a boolean flag to determine whether or not to run a grid search and find the optimal weight hyperparameters for the model (i.e. TREE_WEIGHT, TEXT_WEIGHT, FUZZY_WEIGHT, QUALITY_WEIGHT). Change this to True if you wish to find the optimal hyperparameters. Note that this may take incredibly long, and we recommend to turn this off for the time being. 

### 2) Masked / mangled retrieval task
- Masked retrieval task selects n_samples number of endpoint specifications from your database and modifies them by randomly removing sections and masking / mangling tokens to use as user queries. Then we evalaute each model's ability to retrieve the original endpoint spec as its top 1 (recall 1), 5 (recall 5) and 10 (recall 10) recommendation(s)
- The specific implementation can be viewed in api_miner/experiments/ -> MaskedSpecGenerator, MangledSpecGenerator
- Below is the default configuration for the masked and mangled retrieval task. 

    experiment_type = 'masked_retrieval', 
    data_loader = DATA_LOADER, 
    optim_hyperparams = optim_hyperparams, 

    experiment_type = 'mangled_retrieval', 
    data_loader = DATA_LOADER, 
    optim_hyperparams = optim_hyperparams, 

The parameters that you can change are:

3) Reviewing results:

The results for the masked and mangled retrieval tasks are saved in api_miner/experiments/logs/masked_retrieval.csv and api_miner/experiments/logs/mangled_retrieval.csv.

Conducting the user study

To evaluate the subjective usefulness of API Miner models, we can also run a manual annotation user study. For this user study, queries are developed by heavily modifying the specification in the database to replicate an early draft of an OpenAPI specification. Then recommended endpoint specs are obtained from the top N performing models and the baseline models. For more details on how the early draft queries were developed, along with how we can measure the qualitative usefulness of the models through the user study, please refer to the published paper (link to follow).

To set up the user study, feel free to run the following script in ''. Below is the default configuration for the user study:

    data_loader = DATA_LOADER, 
    optim_hyperparams = optim_hyperparams, 
    n_annotators = 4,
    n_retrieved = 5,
    n_overlapping_samples = 5, 
    rerun_query = True)

The parameters that you can change are:

1) Annotation packages

Once you run the above script, you will notice that several packages have been created for you under apiminer/experiments/annotator with the prefix 'annotator' and a package called 'overlapping_sets_pkg'. Each of these packages will contain the notebook for annotating called 'annotation.ipynb', and several files '' and ''. The notebook provides an interactive user interface to allow annotators to annotate with ease.

Feel free to send the 'overlapping_setspkg' and the 'annotator' packages to the appropriate annotators. (eg. annotator 1 gets packages: 'overlapping_sets_pkg' and 'annotator_1_pkg', etc. ).

NOTE: if you decide to change the parameters of the user study, make sure to delete the following files before re-running the setup_user_study script:

2) Setting up the environment to launch the annotation package

  1. Unzip folder in working directory of choice

  2. Create conda environment in this working directory by running: conda create -n test_env python=3.8 (

  3. Activate test_env by running: conda activate ./test_env

  4. Install jupyter lab in test_env by running: pip install jupyterlab

  5. Launch jupyter notebook from test_env by running: jupyter notebook

  6. Navigate to notebook and complete annotation. Instructions on how to complete the annotation is provided in the notebook (annotation.ipynb)

3) Adding annotation responses obtained from annotators

After the annotator completes the annotation, ask them to send back the annotation packages. Do the following to set up your files for evaluation:

  1. Replace the contents of 'overlapping_sets_pkg' to contain the 'annotations_responses.csv' files from all your annotators. NOTE: you may need to rename the files from 'annotator_responses.csv' to 'annotator_responses_1.csv', 'annotator_responses_2.csv' to keep all of them in the same folder.

  2. Replace the 'annotation_responses.csv' file in every annotator package (Eg. annotator_1_pkg, etc.) with the completed one you received from the annotator. (Alternatively, feel free to replace the entire annotator package folders with the one you receive from the annotator. )

4) Evaluate user study outcomes

Uncomment the following line in '' and run '' to evaluate the outcomes of the user study. NOTE make sure to uncomment 'setup_user_study' prior to evaluating to prevent file overwritting.

The script below will first evaluate the kappa statistics based on the annotations in 'overlapping_sets_pkg' and calculate the precision and recall alues from the annotations obtained from the annotators (i.e annotator_n_pkg). The final results (containing precision and recall) of the models evaluated can be found in api-spector/experiments/logs/user_study_evaluation.csv

# setup_user_study(
#     vectorizer=VECTORIZER, 
#     parser=PARSER, 
#     data_loader = DATA_LOADER, 
#     optim_hyperparams = optim_hyperparams, 
#     n_annotators = 2,
#     n_sets_per_annotator=2, 
#     n_retrieved = 5,
#     n_overlapping_samples = 2, 
#     rerun_query = True)
