jpoirier / stratux-setup

An alternative method for installing Stratux on your board's stock Linux OS.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
13 stars 8 forks source link

Note, currently outdated and not in sync with the latest Stratux code

An alternative method for installing Stratux on your board's Linux OS.

The script is currently in beta development.

Both 1090ES and 978UAT SDR dongles have been tested on an RPi2 and RPi3 (for both Raspbian Jessie and Jessie Lite an image resize is required), and an Odroid-C2 running Ubuntu64-16.04lts-mate. All three boards worked with both an Edimax EW-7811Un and an Odroid Module 0 (Ralink RT5370) Wifi USB adapter, no extra configuration required. But virtually any natively supported Wifi USB adapter should work. The network config defaults to wlan0 and it is not re-configurable at this time.

Note, it's possible to bootstrap an install from one board to another when the two boards share similar processors and/or hardware. E.g. it's possible to use the setup script to install stratux on an RPi2 board then use the SD card from the RPi2 with an RPi0.

Commands to run the setup script:

[login via command line]

# sudo su -

[Raspberry Pi boards]

# raspi-config
    select option 1 - expand filesystem


# apt-get update
# apt-get install -y git


# cd /root

# git clone
# cd stratux-setup

# bash
    - currently detected boards: RPi2, RPi3, RPi0, and Odroid-C2
    - note, the setup script performs a dist-upgrade, if it's the
    first time the setup may take a considerable amount of time

# reboot

Q: How do I update stratux when a new version is released?

A: If the stratux-setup folder still exists, login in as root and cd to the stratux-setup folder, run "git pull" then "bash stratux-setup" and reboot, otherwsie follow the standard install instructions listed above.

Raspberry Pi 2/3 users also have the option of updating via the web ui. From your device connect to the internet and go to and download the desired update *.sh file. Connect to the stratux network, open the web ui in a browser ( and go to the Settings page and select "Click to select System Update file" under the Commands section and follow the instructions to select the update file you downloaded from the internet.

Non Raspberry Pi users - if your processor is an arm7l you should be able to use the web ui updater. Odroid-C4 users can update via the web ui but keep in mind that the updater installs arm7l 32bit binaries where as the stratux-setup builds arm8l 64 bit binaries.

Q: What version of stratux does the setup script download and install?

A: The setup script checks out and builds the latest release from the official stratux git repository.

Note, you can check out and install any version of the stratux source code by opening a command line prompt in /root/stratux, issuing a "git checkout some-rev" command, where some-rev can be either a sha1 hash or tag, and running "make all" then "make install" and reboot. To see what revisions are available for checkout issue a "git branch" command.

Q: Why use a setup script to manually install stratux as opposed to using the official image?

A: For most, the official stratux image is what you should use. With that said, the setup script does offer the ability to use stratux on many other boards that run Linux with a fairly straightforward approach to adding support for Linux boards beyond RPi2 and RPi3.

Q: How does the stratux-setup script it work?

A: The stratux-setup script downloads, builds, and installs source code from the official stratux git repository and it sets up the necessary dhcp server using the same isc-dhcp-server binary as on the stratux image.

Q: Does the stratux setup script differ from the installation provided by the official image?

A: No. The stratux-setup script makes no modifications and for all intents and purposes the stratux-setup installation is identical to that of the official image.

Q: Are there any parts that don't work if I use an unsupported board, eg an Odroid-C2?

A: Yes. Those parts that connect via GPIO are unsupported at this time, therefore, you're restricted to those USB devices you'd use with the official image, e.g. SDR and/or GPS USB devices.

Q: How do I check that the stratux and wifi services are running if I run in to a problem?

A: Login as root and run the command "service --status-all" in a shell window and check if the stratux, hostapd, and isc-dhcp-server services are shown to be running in the output.

Q: In general, what's involved in setting up stratux on a Linux board?

A: The setup can be broken down in to two basic parts, 1) the stratux software, to include it's various components and services, and 2) the dhcp wifi network.

Wifi is the delivery method used to get various messages to clients, i.e. to an EFB. The stratux board is setup as a dhcp server, similar to your home wifi router, with the SSID (service set identifier) "stratux." Once a device connects to the stratux network applications can start receiving the messages being sent by stratux.

The stratux software is made up of several components that interface with various external peripherals and middleware software. All the various pieces of software must be compiled and installed.

See figure 1 below for a high level overview.


- Linux compatible board
- Linux OS
- apt-get
- ethernet connection
- wifi
- keyboard
- a little command line fu

Add a hardware hook for your board:

- create a bash file containing your hardware specific settings
  (eg see the file) then add a detection mechanism to the
  "Platform and hardware specific items" section in the file (eg see the "Revision numbers").

WiFi config settings hook:

- for the majority of systems the current wifi setup should
  work but for those cases where it doesn't it should be a
  simple matter to add a modified version of the wifi script
  and use the same detection mechanism to import the necessary

A 35,750 foot view of stratux:

| Board (eg RPi2, Odroid-C2)     |
| +----------------------------+ |
| |         Linux              | |
| +----------------------------+ |
| ||   Stratux Middleware     || |
| ||                          || |    +-------------+   \/
| || +---+ Process 1090 data  || |<---+1090ES Dongle|----   (optional)
| || |                        || |    +-------------+
| || |                        || |    +-------------+   \/
| || +---+ Process 978 data   || |<---+978UAT Dongle|----   (optional)
| || |                        || |    +-------------+
| || |                        || |              +---+   \/
| || +---+ Process GPS info   || |<-------------+GPS|----   (optional)
| || |                        || |              +---+
| || |                        || |             +----+   \/
| || +---+ Process AHRS info  || |<------------+AHRS|----   (optional)
| || |                        || |             +----+
| || Build outgoing message/s || |
| || |                        || |           +------+   \/
| || +---> Send messages ---> || |<----------> Wifi |----
| ||                          || |           +------+
| |----------------------------| |
| +----------------------------+ |

           Figure 1