Joseph P. Vantassel,
swprocess is a Python package for surface wave processing. swprocess was developed by Joseph P. Vantassel under the supervision of Professor Brady R. Cox at The University of Texas at Austin. swprocess continues to be developed and maintained by Joseph P. Vantassel and his research group at Virginia Tech.
If you use swprocess in your research or consulting, we ask you please cite the following:
Vantassel, J. P. (2021). jpvantassel/swprocess: latest (Concept). Zenodo.
Vantassel, J. P. & Cox, B. R. (2022). "SWprocess: a workflow for developing robust estimates of surface wave dispersion uncertainty". Journal of Seismology.
_Note: For software, version specific citations should be preferred to general concept citations, such as that listed above. To generate a version specific citation for swprocess, please use the citation tool on the swprocess archive._
swprocess contains features not currently available in any other open-source software, including:
If you do not have Python 3.8 or later installed, you will need to do so. A detailed set of instructions can be found here.
If you have not installed swprocess previously use pip install swprocess
If you are not familiar with pip
, a useful tutorial can be found
here. If you have
an earlier version and would like to upgrade to the latest version of
swprocess use pip install swprocess --upgrade
Confirm that swprocess has installed/updated successfully by examining the last few lines of the text displayed in the console.
Download the contents of the examples directory to any location of your choice.
Start by processing the provided active-source data using the
Jupyter notebook (masw.ipynb
). If you have not installed Jupyter
detailed instructions can be found
Post-process the provided passive-wavefield data using the
Jupyter notebook (mam_fk.ipynb
Perform interactive trimming and calculate dispersion statistics for the
example data using the Jupyter notebook (stats.ipynb
). Compare your results
to those shown in the figure above.