jpxue / Proxy_Scanner_Scraper_AIO

A program that scrapes proxies off a set of URLs and scans them. Supports HTTP & SOCKs + URL harvesting.
GNU General Public License v3.0
26 stars 20 forks source link

Proxy Scanner and Scraper

A program that:

How it Works

[Click To Enlarge] alt tag

July, 2020 Update

Seems like the first proxy judge '' is flagging 99% of good proxies as 'bad', would HIGHLY recommend using other proxy judges by selecting a different one from the dropdown-list/combo-list in the Scanner tab.

2021 Update

Disclaimer: After 3-4 years, URL Harvester will not work anymore (data is no longer contained solely as HTML in BING) unless re-implemented from scratch (ex: with a headless browser). Scraper should still work if provided with a list of URLs as does the Scanner still work :)