jquad-group / backstage-jquad

Tekton Pipelines Plugin for Backstage
Apache License 2.0
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Tekton Pipelines Plugin Documentation

  1. Overview
  2. Pre-requirements
  3. Adding Tekton Frontend Plugin to Your Backstage App
  4. Using the Plugin
  5. Developing the Tekton Pipelines Plugin Locally


The Tekton Pipelines plugin provides integration with Tekton Pipelines in Backstage. It allows users to view Tekton PipelineRuns associated with their components.



Before using the Tekton Pipelines plugin, make sure you have fulfilled the following pre-requisites:

  1. Install and configure the Backstage backend Kubernetes plugin on your Backstage instance. Follow the installation guide at: https://backstage.io/docs/features/kubernetes/installation.

  2. Configure the Kubernetes plugin by following the instructions at: https://backstage.io/docs/features/kubernetes/configuration.

  3. Ensure that the necessary permissions are set in the backstage-read-only Cluster Role to access Tekton resources:

  // ...
  # Access Tekton Resources
  - apiGroups:
      - tekton.dev
      - pipelineruns
      - taskruns
      - get
      - list      
      - watch
  // ...
  # Access Step Logs
  - apiGroups:
      - '*'
      - pods/log  # can download pod logs

Adding Tekton Frontend Plugin to Your Backstage App

To incorporate the Tekton Pipelines plugin into your custom Backstage app, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to ./packages/app, and install the frontend plugin using yarn: yarn add @jquad-group/backstage-plugin-tekton-pipelines-plugin@1.1.0

  2. In your Backstage app, navigate to the file ./packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx and add the following code:

import { EntityTektonPipelinesContent, isTektonCiAvailable } from '@jquad-group/backstage-plugin-tekton-pipelines-plugin';
// ...
const serviceEntityPage = (
    // ...
    <EntityLayout.Route path="/tekton-pipelines" title="Tekton Pipelines">

        <EntitySwitch.Case if={e => Boolean(isTektonCiAvailable(e))}>
          <EntityTektonPipelinesContent refreshIntervalMs={5000}/>

            title="No Tekton Dashboard available for this entity"
            description="You need to add the annotation 'tektonci/enabled: true' to your entity component if you want to enable the Tekton Pipelines for it."



    // ...

Using the Plugin

To enable Tekton Pipelines for a Component entity, add the annotation tektonci/enabled: "true" in addition to the existing backstage.io/kubernetes-id, backstage.io/kubernetes-namespace, or backstage.io/kubernetes-label-selector annotations. For example:

apiVersion: backstage.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
  namespace: dev
    backstage.io/kubernetes-label-selector: 'app=microservice'
    tektonci/enabled: "true"
  name: microservice
  description: Microservice
  type: service
  lifecycle: production
  owner: user:guest

This will list all the PipelineRuns having the label app: microservice, e.g.

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1
kind: PipelineRun
  generateName: microservice-pipeline-
  namespace: dev
    app: microservice

You can also configure the tekton dashboard url for each cluster by adding the annotation tektonci.[clusterName]/dashboard to the catalog info. For example, having a kubernetes configuration for the clusters rancher and k3d:

    - type: 'config'
        - url: http://host.docker.internal:21301
          name: k3d
        - url: https://rancher.example.com:6443
          name: rancher

one can configure a separate url for rancher and k3d for the tekton dashboard like this:

apiVersion: backstage.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
  namespace: dev
    backstage.io/kubernetes-label-selector: 'app=microservice'
    tektonci/enabled: "true"
    tektonci.k3d/dashboard: http://localhost:8080/tekton/$namespace/$pipelinerun
    tektonci.rancher/dashboard: https://rancher.example.com:8080/tekton/$namespace/$pipelinerun
  name: microservice
  description: Microservice
  type: service
  lifecycle: production
  owner: user:guest

In the above example $namespace and $pipelinerun are variables, that are automatically interpolated on runtime from the plugin.

Using an older Tekton API Version

Per default, the plugin looks for v1 API Version. If you want to override this behavior, and use v1beta1 instead, add the following annotation in a Component:

    tektonci/api: v1beta1

Developing the Tekton Pipelines Plugin Locally

To work on the Tekton Pipelines plugin locally, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the main directory of the Backstage app
  2. Start the development server: yarn dev
  3. Access the local development environment by opening your web browser and visiting: http://localhost:3000/.