jramshur / SRD_Firmware

Firmware for the SRD brain-computer interface
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SRD Firmware


The simultaneous stimulation-and-recording device (SRD) is a wireless brain-computer interface system designed for use in awake rats. This repository contains firmware for the SRD's MCU. It uses the Cypress Semiconductor's PSoC 3 programmable system on a chip. The firmware project was designed using Cypress's PSoC Creator 3.0.

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Contact Info

John T. Ramshur, PhD
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnramshur
Blog: http://www.johnramshur.com

Project was part of my PhD work while at:

Joint Program in Biomedical Engineering
University of Memphis
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Advisor: Amy de Jongh Curry, PhD

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Advisor: Robert S. Waters, PhD


GNU General Public License 3.0