jreades / starspy

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STARS Space-Time Analysis of Regional Systems Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Sergio J. Rey Licensed under the GPL (see the file COPYING for details) Project Home Page: http://stars-py.sourceforge.net/

REQUIREMENTS Python 2.3 or greater (with Tkinter) http://www.python.org

Numeric (a.k.a. Numpy) 23.1 or greater

INSTALLATION OF SOURCE DISTRIBUTIONS Unpack the archive into a working directory. Currently all code is to be run from this directory. Future releases will be set up as modules to add to the site-packages directory of a Python installation.

UNIX/LINUX Assuming you unpacked to:


    cd /home/usr/stars

    python starsgui.py

and you should be good to go.

OS X NOTES STARS can run under X11 with Fink python, as well as Aqua. For the latter you need to have MacPython (http://homepages.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython/) setup with Aqua-Tk and Numeric. Instructions for installing these are can be found at the macpython site.

How you start STARS on a mac depends on which version of python you are running under. If you want to run STARS under X11 and Fink python, use the same instructions as for UNIX/LINUX, just be sure your python points to Fink python, not the default Apple python (which lacks Numpy and Tk).

If you want to run STARS using macpython, use:

cd /Users/usr/stars
pythonw starsgui.py

where pythonw points to the macpython installed version.

WINDOWS NOTES Assuming you unpacked the source to: C:\stars then: c:\python23\python starsgui.py

should get you going.

Important: Do not put STARS in a location that results in a path name with whitespace (i.e., avoid putting it in c:\Program Files\stars).


a) The doc/CreateSTARSProjects.pdf file provides instructions for creating STARS projects.

b) To get an overview of STARS click help in gui mode. Or to see some functionality in the gui mode do the following: 1) Help-Example Project which will load an example project, consisting of per-capita income for the lower 48 US states, annually 1929-2000. 2) Analysis-ESDA-Moran Global 3) At the dialogue box enter: "pcr" for variable "states48" for matrix click ok 4) click "all" for Graph Options 5) have fun exploring the different views and their interaction.

c) A Quick Start guide for STARS is not quite complete. Check our homepage listed below in the future for the completed guide for STARS 0.8.2.

Quicktime Tutorials, the FAQ, papers, mailing lists, and other sources of documentation are all available at http://stars-py.sf.net

GETTING INVOLVED This is a beta release. Comments, bug reports, bug fixes, new data, suggestions, etc, are all welcome and should be sent to:


or visit our project page at:
