jrgdre / dbus-inspector

Sailfish OS GUI Application for the convenient introspection of D-System- and D-Session-Bus services, interfaces, signals, methods and properties.
MIT License
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D-Bus Inspector for SailfishOS

Sailfish OS GUI Application for the convenient introspection of D-System- and D-Session-Bus

Disclaimer :-)

This is my first serious application for SailfishOS and the first time I use QML or Qt. So comments are welcome.

It's main purpose is for me to find out how to do things on this (for me) new platform.

But it also serves a purpose:

What services are available on the D-Buses of a SailfishOS device and how can we make use of them?

QML / C++ integration

The application uses the two Qt C++ classes in

to provide list models of the services registered on the D-Session- or D-System-Bus.

Could this have been done in QML (like all the others)? By all means, but I wanted to try the C++ / QML collaboration.

The models are made available to QML in main() in harbour-dbus-inspector.cpp.

From here on everything is QML only.

QML stuff

Some interesting stuff is in ServiceListPage.qml. We show how to use:

The InterfaceListPage.qml shows how to access the information of a specific interface in an XML string.

Also e.g. in InterfaceListPage.qml we adjust the height and width of a SilicaFlickable according to the height and the width of multiple ListViews it contains and use a VerticalScollDecarator and a HorizontalScrollDecarator if the screen is to small to show all list entries.

In IntrospectServicePage.qml we use a standard Qt TextEdit instead the Silica TextArea to provide vertical and horizontal scrolling of an unwraped XML document.

