jrl-umi3218 / mc_state_observation

State observers for mc_rtc
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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This package implements additional state observers for mc_rtc. Some will be considered for inclusion in mc_rtc once they have been fully battle tested.

Here is an overview of the various observers implemented:


AttitudeObserver (estimation of IMU orientation)

This observer is directly inspired by the AttitudeEstimator of hrpsys-state-observation (that provides an improved replacement for the deprecated KalmanFilter component of hrpsys-private). The AttitudeEstimator component has been heavily used on HRP-5P.

Configuration options:

robot: JVRC1                # robot to observe (defaults to the main robot)
imuSensor: Accelerometer    # sensor providing the IMU measurements (defaults to the first bodysensor)
updateSensor: Accelerometer # name of the sensor in which to write the estimated orientation (defaults to imuSensor)
log_kf: false               # whether to log the kalman filter parameters (default: false)
init_from_control: true     # whether to initialize the kalman filter's orientation from the control robot state (default: true)
KamanFilter:                # configuration of the kalman filter (default values should be reasonable in most cases)
  compensateMode: true
  offset: [0,0,0]           # Apply an orientation offset to the estimation result (rpy or matrix)
  acc_cov: 0.003
  gyr_cov: 1e-10
  ori_acc_cov: 0.003
  lin_acc_cov: 1e-13
  state_cov: 3e-14
  state_init_cov: 1e-8

MocapObserverROS (estimation of the floating base from MOCAP data)

Example configuration (updates main real robot instance from MOCAP data). Note that this requires calibration of the mocap marker wrt to the robot body:

- name: MocapPipeline
  gui: true
    - type: Encoder
    - type: MocapObserverROS
      update: true
        updateRobot: hrp5_p
        marker_tf: HRP5P
        marker_origin_tf: mocap
        body: Chest_Link2

SLAMObserver (Experimental)

Estimation of the robot thanks to the estimated camera from a SLAM.

Configuration options (default value for Filter, Publish and Simulation):

  robot: robot                      # Robot name (Optionnal, by default it will be the main robot name)
  robot_name_0:                     # Must be a name of a valid robot
    camera: camera_link             # Body name of the camera of the robot name 0
  robot_name_n:                     # Must be a name of a valid robot
    camera: camera_link             # Body name of the camera of the robot name 1
  ground: ground                    # Ground frame to have a ground pose in SLAM map
  map: map                          # ROS TF name of SLAM map
  estimated: camera_link            # ROS TF name of estimated camera
  use: true
  m: 100                            # savitzky-golay parameters
  d: 2                              # savitzky-golay parameters
  use: true                         # publish estimated robot in ROS
  plots: true                       # Enable SLAM plots in mc_rtc GUI (can be disabled/enabled at runtime)
  use: false                        # If true, set estimated to rea/camera of robot
    use: false
      min: [-0.05, -0.05, -0.05]    # [m]
      max: [0.05, 0.05, 0.05]       # [m]
      min: [-0.01, -0.01, -0.01]    # [degree]
      max: [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]       # [degree]

In your controller's configuration file in .yaml:

- name: SLAMPipeline
  gui: true
    - type: Encoder
    - type: SLAM
      update: true
          robot: hrp2_drc
            camera: xtion_link
          map: map
          estimated: camera_link
          use: false

Then from your controller you can access to the estimated robot with:

const auto & estimatedRobot = datastore().call<const mc_rbdyn::Robot &>("SLAM::Robot");

bool isAlive = datastore().call<bool>("SLAM::isAlive");

ObjectObserver (Experimental)

Estimation of the object thanks to the estimated object from a vision process. Configuration options (default value for Filter, Publish and Simulation):

  robot: robot                      # Robot name (Optionnal, by default it will be the main robot name)
  robot_name_0:                     # Must be a name of a valid robot
    camera: camera_link             # Body name of the camera of the robot name 0
  robot_name_n:                     # Must be a name of a valid robot
    camera: camera_link             # Body name of the camera of the robot name 1
  robot: object                     # Robot name
  topic: /topic/poseStamped         # ROS topic to receive estimated object pose stamped
  inRobotMap: false                 # If the update is compute from robot camera or from robot_map (in case of choreonoid by example)
  use: true                         # publish estimated robot in ROS

In your controller's configuration file in .yaml:

- name: ObjectPipeline
  gui: true
    - type: Object
      update: true
          robot: hrp2_drc
            camera: xtion_link
          robot: cube
          topic: /process/cube/pose

Then from your controller you can access to the estimated robot with:

const auto & estimatedRobot = datastore().call<const mc_rbdyn::Robot &>(name_+"::Robot");

const auto & estimatedRobot = realRobot(name_);

const auto & X_0_Object = datastore().call<const sva::PTransformd &>(name_+"::X_0_Object");

const auto & X_0_Object = realRobot(name_).posW();

const auto & X_Camera_Object = datastore().call<const sva::PTransformd &>(name_+"::X_Camera_Object");


Install from APT

# For head version replace stable with head
curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/mc-rtc/stable/setup.deb.sh' | sudo -E bash
# For the Attitude observer
sudo apt install mc-state-observation
# For ROS-based observers
sudo apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-mc-state-observation