jrrombaldo / pset

Passive Subdomain Enumeration Tools
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PSET stands for Passive Subdomain Enumeration Tool, which goal is: given a domain PSET will enumerate all subdomains passively by probing search engines such as Goole.com and Bing.com. PSET will never directly probe any DNS and/or host on target domain, making enumeration scans 100% stealth and undetectable.

PSET stands out among other enumeration tools because of the capacity to automate queries on Google and Bing. In past years several similar tools stop working because search engines are getting more and more strict against third party automation. PSET is able to bypass these restrictions by manipulating requests and removing complex JavaScript on responses.

Download latest version here.


Basically PSET can run using a java GUI or from CLI. Keep in mind that even on CLI mode it's opens an popup with captcha images requested for some search engine when run PSET multiple times, so in case you are on CLI only environment you wont't be able clear captchas.

  1. To run GUI mode it's just execute: java -jar pset-0.1.jar
  2. To run CLI mode execute the same jar passing -c param java -jar pset-0.1.jar -c.

Here is an example of possible parameters:
java -jar pset-0.1.jar -h
usage: java -jar pset.jar [at least on search engine] target.com
-b,--bing Use bing search engine
-c,--cli Use CLI mode, otherwise will start GUI mode
-d,--domain <arg> Target domain
-g,--google Use google search engine
-h,--help Show usage help
-p,--proxy <arg> Use HTTP proxy format: host:port

Download and compiling

In order to download and compile PSET you must have apache maven, git and java development kit 7 installed, as they are required to build/compile the source code into jar file.

1- Download the latest version from github:
git clone https://github.com/jrrombaldo/pset

2- Compile and build the jar:
cd pset && mvn clean install

It's done, the final jar will at pset/pset-0.1.jar, follow the steps to execute it.

Thank you!