jrusso1020 / Paircon

project for CS5150 at Cornell University done for Kilian Weinberger
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PairCon (Conference Papers)

This ReadMe has been tested for a Ubuntu Environment. There may be changes associated with executing the same commands in MacOSX or Microsoft Windows. Please document any changes that you find in setup of the project.

Running All the Apps and Postgres (Optional)

globally install the gem foreman

gem install foreman

from the root directory /Conference-Papers run the command

foreman s

Working in Development Environment:

To run the application locally, you are required to edit Hosts (/etc/hosts) file and add the following: www.devpaircon.com devpaircon.com app.devpaircon.com

On Mac: instructions to edit (/etc/hosts)


On Mac: instructions to install Postgres

The application is setup to work with Postgres. After installing postgres, you are required to do the following:

Open postgres user:

sudo su - postgres

Open PSQL using:


Create a database user

create role paircon with createdb login password 'paircon';


vim /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/pg_hba.conf

If using Mac: find the of hba.conf file instead. In PSQL, type

SHOW hba_file;

and replace

local   all             postgres                                peer


local   all             postgres                                md5
local   all             paircon                                 md5

If using Mac, just add these two lines to the file.

Restart Service

sudo service postgresql restart

Running Rails Application (Web Folder)

To start the server use the following commands

bundle install
rake db:create --is required once
rake db:migrate
rails s

Now instead of using localhost use devpaircon.com and app.devpaircon.com to open the application


Make sure you have the command pdftotext installed. Just type pdftotext into terminal and see if it gives you the usage or says command not found. If it says command not found on mac do brew cask install pdftotext to get it. You need this command to use the profile web scraper to get a users publications

Running Rails Background Services (Web Folder)

PairCon highly relies on background services to provide async behavior while downloading and generating recommendations. The system uses Redis along with Sideqik. You will be required to do the following:

Install Redis

instructions to install on Ubuntu

instructions to install on Mac

Run Redis Server

You can setup redis as a service or execute redis-server to start a redis instace.

Run Sidekiq

Background Agents live on Sidekiq and thus you are required to execute the following command once when you begin development:

bundle exec sidekiq -q default -q mailers

Note: Redis is knowing for using a lot of memory and sometimes causes a lot of memory problems. You may want to restrict the maximum memory you are willing to allow redis to use. You can do this in redis.conf which can be found usually in /etc/redis/redis.conf

Running Flask Application (SimiliarityAlgo Folder)

This has been developed using python 3.6. You are recommended to use Anaconda or another virtual environment. You can also run this on Python 2.7.

Make sure you have a fortran compiler installed. On Mac, you can use brew install gcc to accomplish this.

To install all packages and clean up the directory afterwards do

python setup.py install
python setup.py clean

Then to run do

python SimilarityAlgo.py

This will run the app at

Sending POST requests

Requires content of POST request to be application/json

JSON object must look like this when sending to api endpoint /similiarity/v1/compare:

{"user_dir" : "absolute/path/to/user_txts", "conference_dir" : "absolute/path/to/conference_txts", "k" : (number of most similiar documents to return)}

The server will then return a JSON object like so

{"1" : {"user_paper" : "absolute/path/to/user_txt", "conference_paper" : "absolute/path/to/conference_txt", "score" : (similiarity score 0-1.0)},
"k" : {"user_paper" : "absolute/path/to/user_txt", "conference_paper" : "absolute/path/to/conference_txt", "score" : (similiarity score 0-1.0)}}

JSON object must look like this when sending to api endpoint /similiarity/v1/compare/single:

{"user_file" : "absolute/path/to/user_file.txt", "conference_dir" : "absolute/path/to/conference_txts"}

The server will then return a JSON object like so

{'user_paper': '/Users/james/Documents/kilian_text/6139-supervised-word-movers-distance.txt', 'conference_paper': '/Users/james/Documents/conference_text/', 'score': 0.17010696572993009}


Documentation for the project in Rails is built using Yard. To run the documentation server use:

yard server --reload

You can view your documentation and changes live at


To run the entire test suite use the commands bundle exec rake or bundle exec rspec

Using Guard

While creating testcases you can use the command bundle exec guard which runs guard. This gem will automatically run whatever *_spec.rb file you just saved so you don't have to run the whole test suite each time.

Loading Fixtures

You can use fixtures in the rails console instead of your own database to test, this is down with the commands

bundle exec rake db:fixtures:load RAILS_ENV=test
bundle exec rails c test