jrwebdev / ngreact-test-utils

Test utilities for Angular apps using React and ngReact
MIT License
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Utilities for testing Angular directives which contain React components with ngReact.

These utilities are not for testing React components directly - for that I would recommend using Enzyme.

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ngreact-test-utils provides two functions - compile() and simulate():


npm i -D ngreact-test-utils


import {simulate, compile} from 'ngreact-test-utils';

Both angular and angular-mocks must be loaded to use.

See the test/ directory for example usage

API Documentation

compile(el, [scope])

Compiles an Angular directive and flushes $timeout in order to compile any ngReact directives


  1. el (string) Element to compile
  2. scope (object) Values to add to the directive's scope


(Object) Object containing the following:

simulate (el, event, [eventData])

Fires both .triggerHandler() on the element for Angular and generates a Synthetic Event for React using React Test Utils' simulate() method.


  1. el (HTMLElement|Object) Raw DOM Node or Angular element to fire the event on
  2. event (string) Event to fire. Can either be in lowercase or using React's lower camelCase conventions - the appropriate conversion will occur internally
  3. eventData (Object) Additional data to pass to the event.

A number of convenience methods are also available for simulate for common events. For all other events, or for additional flexibility, use simulate() directly.

simulate.click(el, [eventData])

simulate.mouseOver(el, [eventData])

simulate.mouseOut(el, [eventData])

simulate.keyUp(el, keyCode, [eventData])

simulate.keyDown(el, keyCode, [eventData])

simulate.keyPress(el, keyCode, [eventData])

simulate.focus(el, [eventData])

simulate.blur(el, [eventData])

simulate.change(el, value, [eventData])