jsakamoto / Toolbelt.Blazor.I18nText

The class library that provides the ability to localize texts on your Blazor app!
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Console error on change language #7

Open a-iafrate opened 5 years ago

a-iafrate commented 5 years ago

Hi, i'm on preview 9 with the latest version, if i change the language all works but in console i have the error blazor.webassembly.js:1 GET https://xxxx.azurewebsites.net/content/i18ntext/ReferralShare.Client.I18nText.Text.it.json 404 (Not Found) this is correct because the file is in the folder _content/i18ntext/ReferralShare.Client.I18nText.Text.it.json

Someone can fix this bug?


jsakamoto commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your reporting!

Sorry, this is by design at this time to keep lower compatibility. Some old components those are using this library deploy the localized resource json into "content" folder (not "_content" folder).
Therefore, the library explores both of those folders.

However, it might be fixed in these days.

I'll consider when it should be fixed.

jsakamoto commented 4 years ago

"Blazor I18n Text" ver.7 reduced the "404 Not Found" error with breaking changes to search only "_content" folder.

However, due to the architecture and design, the "404 Not Found" error cannot be eliminated in all case. (The library cannot determine what language's files are exists at compile time)

0xF6 commented 4 years ago

Will this be fixed?
