jschalk / jaar

Cross-cultural communication engine built on customizable economic systems. Produces personalized agendas, calendars, finance reports for users.
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repo: https://github.com/jschalk/jaar

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Code style: black

JAAR Version 0.0.0

jaar is a python library for listening to the climate of a community.

0.0 About jaar

jaar is a python library for listening to the climate of a community. Individual positions are aggregated by a listener into a coherant agenda that can include pledges to do and pledges of states of existence. Listening and acting on it.

A agents's agenda in the community is built by the the massed intreprtation of

  1. Acct agents agendas
  2. Their own independent agenda

Each agenda is saved as a JSON file.

This is mostly a one man projeect. Femi has significantly helped.

1.0 Installing jaar

Future enhancement: jaar can be installed using pip

1.1 Hello

1.2 Notes about data structure

base attributes vs reason attributess

BudUnit objects

BudUnit AcctUnit objects

BudUnit GroupUnit objects

BudUnit ItemUnit objects

BudUnit ItemUnit hierarchical structure

BudUnit ItemUnit AwardLink objects

BudUnit ItemUnit AwardLine objects

BudUnit ItemUnit AwardHeir objects

BudUnit ItemUnit AwardHeir objects

BudUnit ItemUnit Reason PremiseUnit objects

BudUnit ItemUnit Reason PremiseHeir objects

BudUnit ItemUnit FactUnit objects

BudUnit ItemUnit FactHeir objects1

1.3 Test-Driven-Development

Jaar was developed using Test-Driven-Development so every feature should have a test that could represent an example. Tests can be hard to comprehend. Some tests have many variables and can be hard to follow.

2. License

3. Acknowledgements

PUT conflicts in

x_dict = { "bud_acct_membership": {"jkeys": {"acct_id","group_id"}, "jvalues": {"credit_vote","debtit_vote"}, "bud_acctunit": {"jkeys": {"acct_id",}, "jvalues": {"credit_belief","debtit_belief"}, each brick will either have bud_acctunit as a category or not. that will decide if the atom is created. "bud_item_awardlink": {"jkeys": {"road","group_id",}, "jvalues": {"give_force","take_force"}, "bud_item_teamlink": {"jkeys": {"road","group_id",}, "jvalues", each brick will either have bud_item_teamlink as a category or not. that will decide if the atom is created. "bud_item_factunit": {"jkeys": {"road","base",}, "jvalues": {"fnigh","fopen","pick",},}, each brick will either have bud_item_factunit as a category or not. Would be nice if pick was required...not required for delete "bud_item_reason_premiseunit": {"jkeys": {"road","base","need",}, "jvalues": {"divisor","nigh","open",},}, "bud_item_reasonunit": {"jkeys": {"road","base",}, "jvalues": {"base_item_active_requisite",},}, }