jsfest / sf-staff-2014

Private repo for Staff communication and collaboration.
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Private repo for Staff communication and collaboration.

JSFest Vision

The venue for JSFest is San Francisco. The whole city, it's ours. The hallway track is the streets.

JSFest is a festival, there will be things you miss because you're doing something else, that's just a part of it.

The goal of JSFest is to reach the 90% of the community that our more intimate events often can't. I want to reach these people and draw them deeper in to the community and increase their overall engagement. This means that JSFest should be, above all else, accessible. Accessible in location, format, promotion and pricing. This also means responsibly increasing capacity to meet demand. The format of "many events" will, I hope, be a more successful formula for increasing capacity without sacrificing quality.

There are some events that are less accessible to newcomers than others. That's ok, if we only have a big generic event it wouldn't get people excited about coming out the way more specific events can. From what I've seen so far, the more people we attract the more people we attract and it all just snowballs.

Logistics and Organizing

One or more organizer is in charge of each event. Mikeal is hunting down locations and is on the hook for paying bills. Every event "self funds." That means it covers its own cost through either ticket sales or a sponsor that can handle all the costs of that event.

The distributed nature of JSFest makes overall sponsorships kind of impossible. With so many events it's also a logistical nightmare to try and subsidize one event with the income from another. This is why each event's budget and finances should be kept simple and self funded.

Very soon we'll have crowd funding support in tito.io so if there are any ideas that require a good amount of money and we're not confident we can sell enough we can crowd fund them and hold off on financial committments until we reach a certain threshold.


Nothing is schedule before the 6th yet but we can bleed in to earlier dates if we want.

March 6th

March 7th

March 8th

March 9th

March 10th

March 11th

March 12th

March 13th

March 14th

March 15th

March 16th