jsh / git-paleontology

Exploring the evolution of git
Apache License 2.0
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Exploring the evolution of Git

Here are slides for the talk that goes with this repository.

To play with the examples, begin thus:

git clone https://github.com/jsh/git-paleontology.git
cd git-paleontology
git submodule init
git submodule update

Having done that, here's what you'll have:

Right now, all the code in bin/ runs on Ubuntu 14.04, and most of it runs on Mac OS/X (El Capitan). On Ubuntu, bin/setup-environment will install all OS packages that the examples need. Also, source bin/bash-paleo, will set $PATH and $CDPATH for easier access to examples.

If you'd like an Ubuntu 14.04 box to run the examples on, I supply step-by-step instructions you can follow to spin one up in the cloud, with Google Compute Engine.

Mac Builds:

OS/X builds require

With Homebrew on my Mac, that meant this:

brew install openssl
echo 'CFLAGS+= -I/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2e_1/include' >> Makefile

It didn't start with a pristine Mac, so I don't know what a build-from-scratch would require. Also, while this works for current versions of git, it won't work for the first version.

If you figure out more about Mac builds, like how to build the first version or every package needed on a newly-acquired Mac, please sent me the info.

Better still, just fix this section and send me a pull request.