jshea2 / OSC-for-OBS

Control and listen to OBS via OSC
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Control and listen to OBS via OSC protocol

OSCforOBS copySmall


Requires: obs-websocket plugin v5.0 and above (This is included in OBS v28)

Download OSC for OBS (v3.0) Now

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-Make sure you place the application in a folder with permissions to read and write:

Application OSC -> OSC for OBS


OSC Command List:

Note: a space in the notated syntax indicates the separation between address and argument's

Example: /scene "Scene 1" would be...

address argument 1 argument 2 argument ect...
/scene Scene 1


- Trigger Scenes: -


by Name in Argument

/scene [scene name]

by Index as Scene

/scene [index number]

by Name in Address


by TouchOSC

/scene/[scene_name] Value 0 to 1

Next Scene


Previous Scene



- Set Transition Type and Duration: -

# /[type]/transition [duration]


- Set Text (for FreeType 2 ONLY): -

# /[source_name]/setText [text content] [size(optional)] [font (optional)]


- Set Opacity: -

# /[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/opacity [0 thru 1]


/[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/contrast [-2 thru 2]


/[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/brightness [-1 thru 1]


/[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/saturation [-1 thru 5]

Hue Shift

/[source_name]/[color_correction_filter_name]/hueShift [-180 thru 180]


- Translate Source's Position: -

# /[scene_name]/[source_name]/position [x] [y]



Toggle Audio

/[source_name]/audioToggle [0 or 1]


/[source_name]/volume [0 thru 1]

Monitor Off


Monitor Only


Monitor and Output



- Media Controls: -











/[source_name]/mediaCursor [int]


- Projector Controls: -


/[type]/openProjector [display_number] [sceneorsource_name]


- Studio Mode: -


Set StudioMode

/setStudioMode [0 or 1]








- Trigger Preview Scenes: -


by Name in Argument

/previewScene [scene name]

by Name in Address


Trigger Transition to Program

/studioTransition [type(optional)] [duration(optional)]


- Streaming and Recording: -


Set Recording

/setRecording [0 or 1]

Start Recording


Stop Recording


Toggle Recording


Pause Recording


Resume Recording


Set Streaming

/setStreaming [0 or 1]

Start Streaming


Stop Streaming


Toggle Streaming


Set VirtualCam

/setVirtualCam [0 or 1]

Start VirtualCam


Stop VirtualCam


Toggle VirtualCam



- Settings: -


Set Scene Collection

*/setSceneCollection [Scene Collection Name]

Set Profile

*/setProfile [Profile Name]


- NDI and Other Outputs -


List Outputs NAmes


Start Output

/startOutput [name]

Stop Output

/stopOutput [name]


- Miscellaneous -



/rename [current-name] [new-name]

Send Closed Captions

*/sendCC [text]

Set Recording File Name

*/recFileName [string]

Get Source Text (FreeType2) String Repeatedly

/[text source]/getTextFreetype [1]

Get Source Text (GDI) String Repeatedly

/[text source]/getTextGDI [1]

Set Active Scene Item Visibility by Index

-/[index]/activeSceneItemVisibility [0 or 1]

Set Specific Scene Item Visibility by Index

-/[scene_name]/[index]/activeSceneItemVisibility [0 or 1]

Take Screenshot


Trigger Hotkey


Open External File / URL

Might ask to allow "OSC for OBS" access

Simulate Keypress on Front/Active Window (BETA)

(Java Run Time)[https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp] is required for this feature. After downloading and installing restart computer.

~ Editing Commands While Selected in OBS: ~

# Mainly used for TouchOSC

Add Scene Item

/addSceneItem [scene_item]

Change Transition Override Type


Change Transition Override Duration

/transOverrideDuration [duration]

Change Scale

/size [float]

Change Position X and Y

/move [x] [y]

Change Position X

/movex [x]

Change Position Y

/movey [y]

Change Alignment

/align [int]

Change Rotation

/spin [int]

Change Bounds to Fit to screen


Get Source Settings



OBS -> Application:

TouchOSC Feedback:

When Checked this sends OSC messages back to TouchOSC for dynamic control.

Active Scene Feedback

Use the following setup for /scene command for a push button in TouchOSC Editor:

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In OSC for OBS use the following setup:

Fader Volume Feedback

Use the following setup for /[source]/volume command for a fader in TouchOSC Editor:

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Muting/UnMuting Toggle Feedback

Use the following setup for /[source]/audioToggle command for a toggle button in TouchOSC Editor:

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Media Playback Feedback




Source Visibility


Transition Type

Transition Duration

Stats Label Feedback

When Streaming/Recording:

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OSC Tester

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Editing The Code Yourself

OSC for OBS is an Electron application that is powered by HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Node.js. You can access and edit any of these files by doing the following:




This was inspired by ObSC


Support The Project ❤️

If OSC for OBS helped you, consider helping the project by making a one time donation via PayPal


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Download OSC for OBS (v3.1) Now