jshimko / meteor-ghostdown

A split-pane Markdown editor by the fine folks at Ghost.org
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Ghostdown - A Markdown editor with live preview and word count.

All credit for the development of the editor functionality goes to the fine folks at Ghost.org and a few other great open source projects (like CodeMirror and Showdown).

Live demo: http://ghostdown.meteor.com (source)


meteor add jeremy:ghostdown


This is an attempt at cloning the split-pane Markdown editor functionality that is available in the Ghost blogging platform. The template that will render is actually based directly on the .hbs template used in Ghost itself. All you need to do to import it is:

{{> GhostEditor}}

That will give you the following template:

<template name="GhostEditor">

  <!-- Markdown Pane -->
  <section class="entry-markdown active">
    <header class="floatingheader" id="entry-markdown-header">
    <section id="entry-markdown-content" class="entry-markdown-content">
      <textarea id="entry-markdown"></textarea>

  <!-- Rendered HTML Pane -->
  <section class="entry-preview">
    <header class="floatingheader" id="entry-preview-header">
        <span class="entry-word-count js-entry-word-count">Word count</span>
    <section class="entry-preview-content">
      <div class="rendered-markdown"></div>


You can then reactively get the values for the markdown, HTML, and word count with the following session variables.



See the demo. Click in the markdown pane and start typing. You should see the magic begin to happen immediately. Note that this package is completely unstyled. All styling is added in the demo app (see source). It's up to you to style the editor and code up whatever logic you want to happen with the Markdown content. However, the live preview, synchronized scrolling, and word count functionality works right out of the box just by adding the package to your app and importing the template.

If you're fond of the Ghost platform back-end UI, I highly recommend poking around in the main Ghost repo for some templates and the Ghost-UI repo for the associated styles. It's a great way to build a nice looking modular UI without writing everything from scratch. Hooray open source!


I may eventually add more functionality or some default styles to this package, but the current state satisfies what I needed for my project. Contributions are welcome though!