jsk-ros-pkg / jsk_aerial_robot

The platfrom for aerial robot (e.g. general multirotor, hydrus, di, dragon, etc)
32 stars 28 forks source link
aerial-micro-robots control

Build Status

This is for aerial robot, especially for transformable aerial robot as shown in following figure.



source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash # please replace ${ROS_DISTRO} with your specific env variable, e.g., melodic
mkdir -p ~/ros/jsk_aerial_robot_ws/src
cd ~/ros/jsk_aerial_robot_ws
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
wstool init src
wstool set -u -t src jsk_aerial_robot http://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_aerial_robot --git
wstool merge -t src src/jsk_aerial_robot/aerial_robot_${ROS_DISTRO}.rosinstall
wstool update -t src
rosdep install -y -r --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO
catkin build


Please check instruction in wiki.