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talk-All About ECMASCRIPT 6 #10

Open surbhiagarwal opened 4 years ago

surbhiagarwal commented 4 years ago

Name : Surbhi Agarwal LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/agarwalsurbhi/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/SurbhiAgarwal13 Location : Delhi Talk Name : All about ECMAScript 6 Talk Description : I want to take this session to talk about the ES6 features in depth with demos. Knowing ES6 features is a key requirement for all the people working on front end development these days no matter they are working on core JS concepts or using frameworks for development. Pre-reqs : Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS Talk duration : 45mins - 1hour

plug-n-play commented 4 years ago

Thanks @surbhiagarwal for volunteering to speak.

Please share more details on what specific ES6 Features would you like to cover in your talk. Apart from giving us more clarity, this would also help you create one of your slides for your talk.

surbhiagarwal commented 4 years ago
ashokdey commented 4 years ago

Thanks, @surbhiagarwal for noting down the topics

  • Block-Scoped Constructs: Let and Const
  • Arrow Functions
  • Default Parameters
  • Rest and Spread Parameters
  • Template Literals
  • Enhanced Object Literals
  • Classes
  • Modules
  • Iterator & For-Of Operator
  • Promises
  • Maps and Sets

It would be great if you can add async-await with Promises Also Enhanced Object Literals assumed to be both fields and functions.

surbhiagarwal commented 4 years ago

@ashokdey Sure, I will.

Neha commented 4 years ago

@surbhiagarwal Thank you for submitting the talk. I have a few questions:

1) Will it is just talking or you will do some live code too? 2) Are you planning to do comparison of the ES6+ features with the previous one?

Thanks, Neha

surbhiagarwal commented 4 years ago

@Neha Please find my responses below:

  1. Will it is just talking or you will do some live code too? - As mentioned in my talk description, I will be showing the features with live demos
  2. Are you planning to do comparison of the ES6+ features with the previous one? - Yes absolutely

Thanks, Surbhi

Neha commented 4 years ago

@surbhiagarwal This is for the beginners JS. As of now, we are not planning any JS beginners session. If you can give us sometime I will keep you posted. Thank you!!